Anyone (male) got a small or upturned nose?

by evergreen 4 Replies latest social humour

  • evergreen

    Ok this will give you a laugh. If you were a R & F bible student back in 1921 and you were blessed with the above facial credentials, you would be both shocked and lets say slightly disheartened by what you would have read in the 19 Jan GA 1921 224( Awakes predecesor Golden age ).

    it reads as follows

    " The size of the nose, as also the size of the eyes, is not without significance. The small-nosed man cannot have a judicial mind, whatever his other excellencies may be. And a man whose nose upturns can no more be expected to adminsister justice than a pug dog can be expected to act as a shepherd".

    I must admit this gave me a good laugh as im not feeling to well at the moment . Whats more (if this view still stood) ive got a rather big nose . So that would have made me an allround excellent person with a good judicial mind.

  • evergreen

    mmmmmm okayyyyy then, er, let me think

    why did the chicken cross the road?..............................................................

  • iggy_the_fish

    I have a thunderous conk, and I hope you're feeling better this week.

    My dog's got no nose.....


  • tijkmo

    how can anyone in their right mind think this was written at the direction of the holy spirit is beyond me

    on saying nose is very judicious

    and small upturned noses on women are sexy as hell

  • evergreen

    hey ig , your conk simply cannot be as big as mine . Although i wouldnt call mine thunderous...just very large.

    Tijkmo.. you are right about ladies with upturned noses . Everytime i think of a woman with an upturned nose, i always think of that very cute lady in the 60s comedy "bewitched".

    Especially when she twiggled it when casting a spell !

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