New Quotes page: "Millions Now Living Will Never Die!"

by Quotes 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx Mr. Quotes for adding that to your site. I was just recently reading Ray's CoC [for the third time] and was wishing I could look at the whole booklet. Now I can and will.

    Thanx for the link and also for the addition to your site. May truth defeat 'the truth'.


  • DannyHaszard

    Dissident Jehovah's Witness get Legal Threats (press release), UK - 23 minutes ago
    Jehovah’s Witnesses have taken great pride in publicizing their past legal battles, some even in front of The Supreme Court of the United States, to secure ...

    (Sorry about hot link error can't use www in link addy won't make mistake again)

  • DannyHaszard
  • Beans

    Thats awesome, see you always have to do stuff like this because one must ask themselves "Is this life all there is"?

  • z

  • ringo5

    Thanks Quotes,
    I started reading this online but found it could only be taken in small doses,
    maybe my stomach is not used to such "rich" spiritual food!!

    In a discussion with my older brother, I challenged him to read this timely publication
    and see if if he thought Jehover could be behind it. Considering this was such an important
    time period in the evolution development of the organization, it should be worthy of our study.

    He actually replied "It could still be true you know, there's still time"!!

  • belbab

    I don't know if this was ever mentionned on this site before, and I hope I am remembering right.

    When the booklet Millions Now Living Will Never Die was first published, the word Will was used in the title.

    Later after l925, I am uncertain of exactly when, the title was changed to: Millions Now Living May Never Die.

    Certainty and Conviction faded away to Uncertainty and Doubt.

    I wonder if anyone could locate a copy or reference of this booklet with May in the title instead of Will.

  • blondie

    *** jv chap. 29 p. 648 "Objects of Hatred by All the Nations" ***

    Shortly thereafter, on February 12, 1918, a Canadian government decree made it a crime punishable by fine and imprisonment to have in one’s possession either the book The Finished Mystery or the tract shown above.

    That same month, on February 24, Brother Rutherford, the newly elected president of the Watch Tower Society, spoke in the United States at Temple Auditorium in Los Angeles, California. His subject was a startling one: "The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living May Never Die."


    jv p. 719 Noteworthy Events in the Modern-day History of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***


    The discourse "The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living May Never Die" is first delivered, on February 24, in Los Angeles, California. On March 31, in Boston, Massachusetts, the talk is entitled "The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living Will Never Die"
  • nicolaou

    For reference, the 'millions' book is available to read online at

  • dannyboy

    Yet another "home run" on the Quotes website.

    Best wishes to Quotes and Keep Up the Good Work.

    Interesting title change/timing.


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