Can't Americans Understand Plain English?

by Englishman 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien


    i couldn't agree more.

    the american media has hijacked the language. unfortunately, the evolution of the language is an undesireble mutation.

  • Satanus

    amp nbsp, amp nbbp, amp nrstuv, amp opbomno, amp ertwnspub, amp soutghklq&&&&&bvzxrup?


  • sonnyboy
    Living in Southern England, I understand English spoken properly and have no difficulty with the American accent.

    We speak English properly. We just perfected the language by pronouncing words the way they're spelled. You know, we say 'r' at the end of words that end in 'r' instead of saying 'ah'. We also fixed the spelling of many words like center, theater, shop, favorite, etc to make them agree with their pronunciation..

    Stuff like that.

  • Satanus


  • sonnyboy

    . ; q d k e . ? .

  • Satanus

    & & & | + _) (*^% $# @!

  • trevor


    Be angry with me, I deserve it and I can take it. Your lips look even more inviting when you are angry.

  • Leolaia

    I sure wish George Lucas gave Jar Jar Binks subtitles.

  • katiekitten

    I love the way this thread started off as the brits trying to have a go at the yanks for not understanding our accent, and immediately descended into brit northerners v brit southerners! All is as it should be with the world.

    Heres a couple of jokes that will offend a maximum number people:

    Q Why do Northerners hate southerners?

    A Because it saves time

    Some americans are doing a tour of Yorkshire. They go to see York Cathedral, and this yank (cos all americans are called yanks, right?) says "jee thats kinda cute. But back in the states we have one three times that size" They then go to see the Humber Bridge (which probably isnt even in Yorkshire, which shows that ignorant people like me revel in pathetic stereotypes like this joke). The yank says "why back in the states we have bridges twice that size". They then go to a farm and are walking through the orchard. The farmer shows them the apples and the Yank says "back in the states we have apples four times that size" and the farmer says "aye well we mek 'em to fit our mouths".

    Of course I dont find either of those jokes even slightly amusing.

  • jeanniebeanz
    groups, who have such strong accents as to be difficult to understand

    LOL My grandfather had a heavy Welsh accent. I had the most difficult time as a child trying to figure out what he was saying to me. And some of the expressions were pretty funny too.

    btw, what's a 'toe sack'?


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