Remember the prices of things when you were a teenager?

by hubert 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    I used to buy Black Label beer for 99 cents a six pack. It was horrible. Finally, one day, I said to myself, "why am I drinking this lousy stuff when I can get Busch for a quarter more a six-pack"?

    That changed everything.

    And ten cent drafts at the bar.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    When I was in High School you could buy a brand new Corvette for under $10,000.

    Coffee was a dime, as were cokes.

    You could go to McDonalds and 'get change back from your dollar' for a hamburger, fries and a coke!

    Gasoline when I pioneered the first time in 1973 - 20 cents.

    Dad bought a very large house on a lake for $17,000. Same house today - probably $250,000.

  • IronGland

    New car-800 dollars.

    1st class stamp 2cents

    Beer 10cents per bottle

    All day movie (silent) for 5cents

    pair of shoes 1.50

  • jeanniebeanz

    Some stuff went down in price though. In '77 you could get a brand new pair of Levis for $14.00. Now you can get them for $16.00, more than 25 years later. If you look at what wages are now compared to then, they came down in price.

    Why do I care? I always wanted a pair of new Levis but could'nt justify spending 5.5 hours wages on a pair. Now I can buy three pair for an hours wage. Of course, now my butt is 25 years older and, well, it just wouldn't be the same...


  • Quentin

    Carling Black Label... Now Hubert, that was good beer... That's what you went back to buy after you drank the two six packs of Busch. Of course there was always Boones Farm or MD 20/20 for about 4 bits.

    There were some things that seemed to go up in price almost overnight. Comic books were five cents a copy for years. Marvel Comics came along and the price spiraled up to fifteen cents. That was a kick in the pocket book for a young boy.

  • hubert

    Quentin. I never heard of those brands of beer, but seeing you're from Texas, You must have heard of Falstaff.

    Irongland, you gave away your age, you old Ba$tard.

    Sorry, just had to say that.


  • delilah

    I remember in 1978, I was 16, and was desparate to have a pair of Levi' said if I paid for half, she'd pay the other half....they cost around $16.00 then, i saved the $8.00 that I needed from babysitting, we went to the store, purchased the jeans, I took them out to the car and promptly took my old jeans off and put on the new Levi's.....Ahhhhhh, now that was living....


  • Quentin
    Quentin. I never heard of those brands of beer, but seeing you're from Texas, You must have heard of Falstaff.

    You bet Hubert, good beer.

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