Remember the prices of things when you were a teenager?

by hubert 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl must be the same age as me if you remember Royal Crown soda!

    My brother used to drink that stuff like crazy. He ended up with a roll of fat around his tummy. As soon as he quit drinking it the roll of fat went away..

    And gas was about the same price...10 to 20 cents. But the cars only got about 5 to 8 miles a gallon..

    I do remember when I was about 17 or 18 you could buy 3 pounds of hamburger for $1.00

    I used to get 50 cents allowance when I was younger and my girlfriend and I would go to our little hangout and I was able to get a big juicy hamburger..cooked fresh on the grill..a home made plate of french fries and a chocolate malt..

    Anyone here know what a Pine Float consisted of?

    That was hubby's favorite as a teen.

    Snoozy...who knows why our eyes get worse as we get older every time she looks in a mirror!..With her reading glasses ON.. ps..And when did they start selling 4 pound bags of sugar instead of 5? at the same price..that was a sneaky trick! When I used to go see my JW MIL in the country..they were still selling 5 pound bags at the same price or cheaper.
    Do they think it's easier to pull one over on "City Folks"? I guess they think the Country folk are more into checking labels..

  • Robdar

    Large pack of Double Mint Gum: 25 cents

    Cigarettes: 85

    Gas: 58 a gallon

    Concert: $15

    Albums: $4.99-7.99

    Remember "nickel bags"?

  • bebu
    Gas: 58 a gallon

    I remember that... and the hullabaloo when the gas crunch came in the mid/late '70s... gas went up to .75! Oh, the humanity!

    I remember 10 cent candybars, too, Josie. And lots of things for 1 penny or 5 cents.

    A loaf of bread was about 25 cents. The price of hamburger was around 50 cents a pound.

    I think the Sony Walkman came out when I was in high school; can't remember the cost. But I do remember the first calculators being sold at Radio Shack, I think they were closer to $100!...


  • Quentin
    Quentin must be the same age as me if you remember Royal Crown soda!

    Six years between us Golden Girl.

    If you didn't have a dime for a Coca-cola RC was a nickel at the drug store fountain and an extra penny got you a shot of cherry syrup, eleven-cents for the cherry Coke. I got fifty-cents a week too. That took me to the double feature for ten-cents where I could get all the dime a bag popcorn, ten-cent sodas and nickel candy bars I could carry along with those big pickles for a dime. If I saved from the last week a hotdog with all the trimmings was fifteen-cents.

    Now we stay home rent movies, pop our corn, fix hamburgers and drink Shasta sodas because we get them for a dollar a sixpack at the Dollar Tree. The times do change, don't they?

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Do you remember when they only had one commercial during a TV show? Now they squeeze 5 or 7 or more quickies in the middle..a few at the beginning and a few at the end. Out of a half hour show you may get 15 to 20 minutes of actual show time.

    And it seemed like just a few years ago people got Cable TV to get away from commercials..that's why we had to pay for it. Now it is as bad as or worse than reg channels. And the informercials are all over the cable. One half hour or more of uninterupted commercials...and you pay for it!..

    And I never rent movies..between the Lifetime and Turner classics (that I tape because I don't have time to watch them)..I have so many tapes lined up to watch I'll never see them all.

    Hubby was hooked on the "Nature Channel" and the Weather Channel.....I didn't think I could ever get sick of seeing animals or weather patterns .but I did!...

    Now I can watch whatever I want! Course it's no fun watching anything when you don't have someone next to you sharing it!..So hug your mate!...

    Snoozy...who remembers "Fountain soda's that tasted great!
    Movies that actually showed two movies with a break in the middle to go to the lounge..and a cartoon and news clip at the beginning...

  • Quentin
    Do you remember when they only had one commercial during a TV show?

    Yes. Many of the old shows had one sponser and that was all you'd get.

    And I never rent movies..between the Lifetime and Turner classics (that I tape because I don't have time to watch them)..I have so many tapes lined up to watch I'll never see them all.
    Yeah, cable. Kathy is semi-invalid and doesn't get out much anymore. Gotta have cable. We watched the Big Sleep the other night. Don't know if life was easier then, simpler maybe. New paper back books were anywhere from a quarter to seventy-five cents and there were used bookstores scattered all over town. You could trade two for one, spend a dollar and walk out with a grocery sack full of books. That I miss. Reading took me on many a great journey.
  • greendawn

    I am amazed that I can't remember the prices of even things that I was buying regularly.

  • pratt1

    Bazooka Gum - a penny

    I don't remember the price but you could usually see two movies for the price of one.

    Double header baseball games - $15.00

  • mtbatoon

    Packet of ciggies £1.19 and 80p for a pint.

  • RichieRich

    SO i guess I'll start a thread like this in 10 years lol...

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