Pass the Jesus I need a hit!

by free2beme 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    THeyve got an old london bus round here, with JESUS ARMY painted on the side.

    Those guys couldnt fight, no way. They all limp wristed, they got no cammo gear, no ammo, how they gonna kick ass when the Debil and his hordes come rampaging through Cheltenham biting off heads and fornicating wid the preety ladies huh? They gonna chuck leaflets at em an run like hell?

    Dey always boys too. frickin JESUS QUEEAHS more like.

  • greendawn

    Religion like so much else is neither good nor bad but rather what people make of it, like the internet or a kitchen knife.

    As a rule religions have been used abusively by cowards and opportunists and are not known to be a force for the good in society.

    As the Chinese say even the right means work harm when in the hands of criminally minded people and the WTS is a prime example of this.

  • sonnyboy

    I once saw Jeebus when I ate too many psilocybe cubensis.

    Seriously, I saw something that felt like a divine force, but I don't believe it was Jehobah because I don't think he's real. It told me, not in words, that we're all connected by this force and that the universe is extremely small.

    I wonder if this is the same 'spirit' that Mesoamericans used to see?

  • JW83

    Religion like so much else is neither good nor bad but rather what people make of it, like the internet or a kitchen knife.

    I don't agree with this, greendawn. Religion is a fantasy superstructure - even the most benign religions involve a belief system which evolved in someone's imagination. Usually a male's. ie, religion as opposed to spirituality.

  • greendawn

    JW83 this is the great debate, someone may say religion is invariable based on fantasy and mythology (it's all in the imagination)but someone else may say "sorry I've had religious experiences that were very real and supernatural"

    So are these experiences always due to one or other manifestation of the mysterious unconscious mind or are they caused by invisible superhuman intelligent beings?

    Come what may humans need a spiritual dimension to feel complete.

  • katiekitten

    I do believe we have a spiritual side, but it seems to me that it can be stimulated equally as easily by praying, drugs, not eating for a long time, stress, freaky co-incidences and probably some other stuff too

  • luna2

    Religion gives a sense of comfort....all the stuff you don't understand, all the stuff that seems to be out of your in God's hands, right? So you don't have to worry about it or do anything about it because He will take care of the problem eventually. Very seductive. Very conducive to euphoria as everything dirty will be cleansed, every injustice or wrong will be righted, every evil avenged...and all you have to do is jump up and down on one foot, reciting the Lord's Prayer, while keeping a hula hoop in motion. Praise Jesus.

  • Satanus

    What luna said would apply to the 12 step system as well, it seems to me, except that instead of the god beeing seen as doing something, in the aa and ca system, it does nothing. Surrendering to the higher power still gives that euphoria, though. If i am wrong, i hope that someone would rebut.


  • jaffacake

    I consider my self Christian, although I belong to no man-made religion, and do not attend any church - although I wouldn't rule that out. I think every individual should have their own beliefs and own understanding, with no two people in the world believing precisely the same. My beliefs and understanding changes daily.

    I come from a Catholic background, followed by seventh day adventist - a long time ago. The only thing I feel certain about is that there is no correct belief. There are however good and bad people and every shade of grey in between. I hope I am not like an alien to you, I thought just like you for the past 30 years, until I did some careful reading and thinking...

  • jaffacake
    Seriously, I saw something that felt like a divine force, but I don't believe it was Jehobah because I don't think he's real. It told me, not in words, that we're all connected by this force and that the universe is extremely small.

    I wonder if this is the same 'spirit' that Mesoamericans used to see?

    I think the mistake most religions make is to interpret Bible or other inspired works literally, and humanise God and his/her/its characteristics. Have you read stuff by Keith Ward? He says how I feel about this, but I can't put it into words.

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