Sympahty for Circuit and District Overeer's Poor Wives

by frankiespeakin 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    The ones that have the superior attitude (which is not all of them, but it is aLOT,) have the superior attitude because they think they are BETTER than the other sisters, NOT because they have supposedly "given up" more than the rest of us. Like I said before, I think in some ways they have it pretty easy compared to most of the sisters. The ones that have that attitude are bitches who don't deserve our sympathy. The ones who are C.O.s wives, NOT taking advantage of their position, willing to talk to ANYONE in the congregation, willing to be assigned to work with ANYONE in service, do NOT demand fine clothing and privileges, help with babies, make their F.S. hours, and don't have $200/week in uncategorized miscellaneous expenses are few and far between.

    Your all-encompassing sympathy for the C.O. and D.O. wives, Frankie, may be distorted by the fact that you are a MAN, and not getting the view from down in the trenches like the former sisters on here who are posting a different view. Yes, the JWs are a suppressive religion, but if you are a woman, and make it to the ranks of C.O.s wife, you have it very good. Much better than all but a very few of the r & f sisters.

    I can only think of one C.O.s wife in more than 30 years of knowing C.O.s wives that I really think deserves sympathy. Hmmm... well, that's only about 14 different ones that I've met that I can speak to direct and prolonged experience with, (plus about 5 D.O.s wives,) but ONE out of 19 is not very good.

  • frankiespeakin


    Well I feel the need to be a little more generous in my view of these sisters, I'm not saying 100% are good, I think a lot more than you give credit to though. It's true that I'm a man and I don't see the same things that women see, but I think you 1 out fourteen exessively high. But even if thier are some snotty of bitchy ones, I would still like to see them get out of the work before they suffer with no retirement, because this religion is going down for sure.

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