Response to Nigerian Scam

by NeonMadman 4 Replies latest social humour

  • NeonMadman

    The day doesn't go by when I don't get at least one - and usually two or three - e-mails of the "Nigerian scam" variety. You know, "I represent Mr. Mumbabwe Hurumbie who was assassinated by the evil dictator Hurumbie Mumbabwe. Mr. Hurumbie left behind an estate of $65 million US which I will split with you 50/50 if I can just have your bank account to use to smuggle the money out of the country etc etc."

    I sort of got tired of just hitting the "spam" button and deleting them, so I crafted a short reply. Let me know what you think.


    Thanks for your interest, but yours was the third email I have recieved today offering me a chance to help smuggle money out of various West African countries. Unfortunately, the other two involved significantly higher sums of money and were offering me a much larger percentage. That means I'll have to say no to your offer. It's nice to know, though, that a total stranger from halfway around the world who has never heard of me before thought enough of me to entrust me with a large sum of money.

    Should you find someone who is actually willing to participate in your plan, please forward me their name; I know of a bridge in Brooklyn that they might be interested in purchasing with their proceeds.

  • Crumpet

    Priceless! I get loads of these in the post at work - I might start using your reply instead of binning them! LOL!

    crumbambie wumba

  • Sunspot


    For quite a while I used to sit here and giggle to myself when I'd reply to these idiots! I was getting these emails (and IMs) for a bigger penis, hot sex with Asian Nymphos, etc.

    I'd tell'em that I didn't need a bigger penis, or I'd tell'em that I was a gramma of eight and was too busy baking cookies to take up with any Asian hotties----or I'd ask them how they got MY email addy because I lived in a convent, etc.

    I stopped this form of amusement when hubby told me that once these people see that there is a response--and response---they know the email is valid and will let others have the addy. Like it will multiply.

    Sooo, I don't do that any more. I still get those emails that you spoke of too, but I delete them ASAP!


  • NeonMadman

    Hmmm, you may have a point there (though I wonder how many more of these things I could get). But I think I'll try these for a few days and see what happens. If worse comes to worst, I may have to resort to more brutal tactics, such as those found on this site.

    Or, I could use this handy template and start my own scam...

  • Leolaia

    Hey, you MUST aboslutely MUST read Nosferatu's old threads about his scamming of a Nigerian scammer. They are practically the most hilarious thing ever posted in this forum.

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