please tell me it will get better....

by kittyeatzjdubs 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    '' and the clouds opened up and god said, 'i hate you [JoBeth]' ''..........

    so on top of going almost 3 days with no nicotine.........I FRIGGIN' GET PULLED OVER THIS MORNING ON MY WAY TO WORK!!!!!!!!...JEZUS EFFIN' CHRIST!!!! not only was i doing 70 in a 65...(ooooo! like that's major speeding! ) the stupid pig also writes me up for being in the HOV lane (2 or more people only lane from 7-9 am) for like 15 seconds...I WAS TRYING TO PASS A FRICKIN' SEMI WHO WAS SWERVING!!!!!!!!!! my good luck kitty that my best friend gave me for my keychain, apparently needs recharging...

    why does everything bad have to happen to me?????? i'm a nice person! i never hurt anyone intentionally! i'm honest! i don't do drugs (anymore)! ok, i used a fake i.d. 2 weeks ago to buy some beer...but i never did it again, b/c i felt so guilty about lying!!! why oh why does my karma keep biting me in the ass????

    hopefully it can only get better from this point on.....

    luv, jojo

  • prophecor

    It's a Black Thing!!!

  • candidlynuts

    its gods way of telling you to stay home in your jammies and just post on message boards all day!

    (seriously, hang in there, this'll pass! hugs)

  • Sunspot

    Awwwww...............sounds like you need a hug! (((((Kitty)))))

    Some days just GO that way! I try to go and sit on the middle of the bed with a box of Twinkies on one side and a box of Kleenex and it usually gets better!



  • kittyeatzjdubs
    its gods way of telling you to stay home in your jammies and just post on message boards all day!

    funny you should say that, b/c i seriously considered calling in sick to enjoy a 3 day weekend this morning. shoulda listened to my gut.

    great idea annie! everyone come join me on my bed this afternoon for twinkies, cookie dough, and root beer floats!

    thanks for the hugs guys!!!!

    luv, jojo

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    It's a Black Thing!!!

    ROFLMAO!!!!! luv, jojo

  • hillbilly

    Yes it does....but then the law is the law... and you were the one who was caught. (sound fatherly, dont I?) and "pig" isnt a nice thing to say about a guy who may pull you out of a burning wreck tommorow.(I come from a steady line of police officers some who died in duty so I take that a little personally)

    What I am saying is if you skirt the edge long enough you will find the thin ice.... Now go to your room and think about what you did...............................


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    yes sir....

  • hillbilly



  • Robdar

    why oh why does my karma keep biting me in the ass????

    If you aren't doing anything bad, then it isn't karma biting your ass. Have you checked for mosquitoes?

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