Showey Display

by LouBelle 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    Right so I have a younger cousin that works with me (Helped him get a job with my company because in S.A you gotto pray you know someone who can help you get a job)

    As you know I've left the borg - he's still very much into it. So yesturday myself, him & a mutual college go off for a lunch at the Keg - we order our food and when it comes, he bows his head and prays....silenty - the waitress comes over and thinks he's fallen asleep (narcarpsy sp???) So I mouth "no he's just praying"......Then today it's someones' birthday & there's a few cakes for us to eat, He will sign the card saying having a nice day but then will come to the cake table and no have anything (we know why) and every time he says it's a religious thing (I'm sure he feels like he's getting a pat on the back from God) Please know I love him dearly but he is AN OH SO BLINDED YOUNGSTER (though I've been telling him a few things)

    So my point is - is this Showey Display of praying in public nessessary. It kinda reminds me of the pharasees when they prayed on the street corners for all to see. I mean I don't recall it being a rule that you had to pray if you were out - I mean you were to use discresion, you're not too show that you think you are self righteous.

    I guess I'm so over the ""do this and don't do this"", that these actions just irritate me. And I see it as fake.

  • PaulJ

    Hhhhmmm I used to battle with this when I was a JW. When I was around non-JW's I always used to be very discreet and pray out of their way, or simply not close my eyes. Tho I know there were some JW's who would pray for ages before each meal just to make a point. Silly really, cos they are only drawing attention to themselves.....

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    I always prayed in public over my meals and still do. For me it's not a showy display but more of being consistent in habits and little rituals. I have caught the attention of others on a couple of occasions and been commended. Most African Americans I eat with will 'bless' their food in public - and none of them are dubs (honestly!!!).

  • doofdaddy

    I always found it pharasaical to perform a physical act of worship in public as I believed all spirituality should come from the figurative heart, and god is allegedly the reader of hearts.

    As you may have gathered I don't worship a literal god anymore but have been known to silently give thanks to the spirit of any animal I have killed, or plants I have grown to eat.

  • luna2

    I always thought of a showy display as being something really exaggerated or calculated to gain attention. It doesn't sound like he was being too over the top, but then not being there, it's hard to really tell. Sometimes there are subtle mannerisms or facial expressions that turn a simple action into a big deal.

    In my first congregation, the sisters would get together and go out to eat. It was usually a pretty large group. It became....embarrassing. I don't think anybody prayed aloud (can't remember now), but you'd have a whole big table (or two or three smaller tables) full of women bowing their heads for extended periods of time, so everybody in the restaurant knew that this was a religious group of some kind, and then the group would proceed to become so loud and rowdy that I'm surprised we weren't asked to leave. I'm pretty sure, given the decibel level of the conversation, that most of the restaurant had to know we were JW's. I thought it was over the top and definitely a showy display. I always got the impression that certain of the sisters were hoping to "give a witness" that Jehovah's peeps aren't stick-in-the-muds and could have a rollicking good time just like the "worldly" folk. The only witness I think we gave was that JW's could be real idiots.

  • Shania

    Prayer is a personal thing, whether a JW or not, alot of people pray for various reasons. If they choose to pray in public oh well it is up to them, only they know why they do it.........................I do remember my study conductor telling me "even if you eat a piece of candy, you should thank God". Now I think that is going beyond and above what is needed.

  • Crumpet

    My dad used to do this - he'd bow his head for ages - I suspected just to draw attention and give a witness. I on the other hand would have mine over before anyone would have seen me blink - dearjehovahthankyouforthefoodinjesuschristnameamen. But i wasn't all bad - on the ocassions I forgot in my haste to say it through Jesus name and was halfway through my bloody rare steak i would pause midchew and add the correct words to my pray.

    Maybe suggest to your cousin he thank the correct entity - ie the chef who prepared the meal - I do this at restaurants when the food is particularly good. And I always thank the man who's paying too! Far more appropriate that praying to an imaginary spirit and letting dinner get cold!

  • TheListener

    I stopped praying before my meals. I decided I would be pissed at God if I choked on something after I prayed for it.

    When I was a dub I would do the whole head lowering, eye closing, hands folded prayer thing. I would try to do that longer than anyone else at the table because that meant I loved God more than they did.

    I have since started praying for God to bless my driving and vehicle before I get in it everytime. I figure the food came from God so he blessed me by creating it. The car came from GM so I need all the extra help I can get.

  • Ténébreux

    Where does the whole "pray before each meal" thing come from, anyway? Is it actually in the Bible?

  • Chia
    Most African Americans I eat with will 'bless' their food in public - and none of them are dubs (honestly!!!).

    You're right about this sweet tee. My dad "blesses" his food, and he doesn't even go to church. All my family members in North Carolina are deeply religious (Baptist) and the same goes for them.

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