Are you addicted to this website?

by Podiatrist 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • stevenyc


    NOBODY wants to argue with me

    OK. I'll argue: Your not crazy, and from your avatar, you not blonde either.


  • katiekitten


    I have made 33 post(s) in the last 1 day(s) out of my limit of 75....

  • Podiatrist

    Part of the reason for posting this question is because I've been here, what?, 2 days, and I've spent about 15 on this site alone reading, that gotta account for something lol

  • greendawn

    I enjoy being on the board but I can't say that I am addicted to it since it doesn' t stop me from doing other useful things. For me though it's also exciting because it is the first board where I really got involved in the activities of cyberspace community.

  • diamondblue1974

    My name is Diamondblue1974 and I am a JWD addict.

    This is my first post since yesterday.


  • Crumpet

    My name is Crumpet and I don't know why I'm at this stupid meeting - I'm not a JWDaholic, I can go days without getting withdrawal symptoms. Just because I come here every day doesn;t make me like the rest of you freaks .... I'm only here because my employer says I have a problem and my partner hasn't seen me for days ... but what do they know?!

  • doofdaddy

    Addicted? Moi?

    Quite possibly. Other xjw sites are a bit mushy for me, kinds felt like I wanted to tell ém to just get over it But here it's funny challenging, sometimes sad.

    I haven't been a jw in 7 yrs but I didnt realise what was still "stuck"to me. I have lost quite a few hrs on this site in the last month. Reckon I am easing off but will always check in to see what's hot.

  • nicolaou

    If I'm addicted I guess that makes Simon my 'dealer'. Come to think of it, when we first started posting here there were no 2 Topic or 75 Post limits, it was all free and easy. Now our supply is being cut back!! Hey Simon! Are you planning on charging us a nominal fee soon? When d'ya plan on jackin' up da price man?! Huh?!

    Sorry.... [curls up into foetal position and whimpers "I can stop posting anytime I want to, anytime I want to....." ]

  • PaulJ

    HHHmmmmm. My name is Paul and.... and.... and.... IM A JWD ADDICT (Phew)

    Well kinda, Ive been on most days since I joined. The day I joined was the first day I started to look up ex-witnesses on the net after leaving the 'truth' 2 and a half years ago. Now Im here I feel at home with the people I have shared a lifestyle with. Its refreshing, theraputic even and helps me make sense of my feelings. Besides this, you lot are the friendliest bunch of 'foaming-mouthed apostates' (if I still believed the GB) I could have stumbled accross.

    Just wanna thank everyone for being here and being supportive- you are all fantastic.


  • z
    Lately? yes. As a non jw, no one knows what the heck I am talking about.

    4 sure I’m never was JWS but I’m here daily WHY??????????? WTF??????????

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