30 years ago TODAY - 7-June-1975

by BrendaCloutier 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • rebel8

    ((brenda)) Thank you for sharing that moving experience.

    I was interested to note that it wasn't the 1975 thing that made you leave the dubs. My mom got baptized in 1974, and to this day I am shocked the failed prophecy wasn't enough to bring her to her senses.

  • AuntieJane

    Brenda! Thanks for sharing your story.



    Independence Day - Martina McBride

    Well she seemed all right by dawn’s early light though she looked a little
    Worried and weak she tried to pretend he wasn’t drinkin’ aagain but daddy left
    The proof on her cheek and I was only eight years old that summer and I always
    Seemed to be in the way so I took myself down to the fair in town on
    Independence day

    Well word gets a round in a small, small town they said he was a dangerous man
    But mama was proud and she stood her ground she knew she was on the losin’ end
    Some folks whispered some folks talked but everybody looked the other way and
    When time ran out there was no one about on indpendence day

    Chours: let freedom ring, let the white dove sing let the whole world know that
    Today is a day of reckoning let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong roll
    The stone away, let the guilty pay, it’s independence day

    Well she lit up the sky that fourth of july by the time the firemen come they
    Just put out the flames and took down some names and send me to the county home
    Now I ain’t sayin’ it’s right or it’s wrong but maybe it’s the only way talk
    About your revolution it’s independence day

    Repeat chorous

    Roll the stone away it’s independence day

  • BrendaCloutier

    AJ, thank you for the lyrics or poem, I hadn't heard it before. Reminds me of "The Burning Bed" movie, which I still to this day cannot watch. I can't watch the attempted rape scene in "Pretty Woman" and "Cape Fear" freaked me out! Alcoholism, domestic violence, and JW-ism are a horrible mix for any woman or child.

  • whyamihere


    I give you a heartfelt Hug! You are loved by all of us!


  • Preston

    I'm sorry you went through this... nothing upsets me more than domestic abuse, it never ceases to amaze me how common it is. We all you here Brenda.... and I love your cats too...

    - Preston

  • BrendaCloutier

    Thank you ((((( Everyone ))))) for your loving support. I realized the date yesterday and felt today was a fitting day to tell this part of my story. It no longer has nearly as much affect on me, but it's still there after all of these years.

    Can you believe that one of the first times I prepared him breakfast after we were married, bacon, fried eggs, hashbrowns, and toast, he got up, dumped the whole plate in the garbage, and told me to do it again until I got it right?

    Believe me, I wasn't the same person then as I am now, or I would never have put up with that. Those who know me now would not recognize me then, and visa-versa.

    I know that telling my story resonates with others. I hope those who are still in abusive relationships will find their own inner strength and voice and stop the insanity before they suffer as long as I had to.

  • whyamihere


    I wanted to give you another hug! I am so sorry you had to go through that!

    I promise if you made me breakfast and burned the hell out of it I would eat it all up and ask for more! We love you!

    Remember this song...When you are having a Bad day just sing it out loud it works for me!

    Tomorrow tomorrow we love ya tomorrow your only a day away!


  • BrendaCloutier

    Thanx, hon. BTW, I'm a darned good cook today, inspite of D** !!!

  • Celia

    Wow, Brenda, what a great story ! Congratulations on getting out of that marriage...

    This I call the second biggest regret of my life. The first being pulled out of high school after my sophomore year in 1973 to go into the ministry work and do as much as I could before the Big A. I hated trying to pioneer.

    Curious about something here.... I presume it was your parents telling you to pioneer instead of finishing High School... all because of Armageddon coming in 1975... What was their reaction after 1975 came and went and nothing had happened ? What do they say about that prediction now ?

  • wanderlustguy

    Well well well, I guess we do have a lot in common!

    Proud of you for getting yourself to a better place, I know it had to have been hard.


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