Divorce Policy of JWs

by Ray Skyhorse 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rollercoaster

    Thank you Expat. I didn't quite know how to put it in words. As far as You and your wife Ray, the Org., is so fickle, she might just get away with it. I think it would be a techiical question of who got married first. Her or him. Then the other is free to remarry because the X was adulterous!!!!

  • rollercoaster

    Thank you Expat. I didn't quite know how to put it in words. As far as You and your wife Ray, the Org., is so fickle, she might just get away with it. I think it would be a techiical question of who got married first. Her or him. Then the other is free to remarry because the X was adulterous!!!!

  • Ray Skyhorse
    Ray Skyhorse

    Expatbrit, it's funny you mention the six month penance. My wife didn't go to the KH for maybe 6 months after we got married. Do you think she might have been doing penance? How does one "do penance"?

  • expatbrit


    That's true. When one former mate get's married, they would at that point (or at least that night) committ adultery from the JW point of view. Then the other divorcee would be free to pursue remarriage.


    By penance I meant doing what the WT requires in order to be reinstated. Usually this involves self-abasement and acceptance of humiliating conditions for an unspecified period of time. I don't believe from what you said that your wife was disfellowshipped, so "penance" would not be necessary. It's curious though that she has appeared to have committed what the WT would consider scriptual adultery (in marrying you) without sanctions being taken against her. Perhaps her ex "released" her by doing the dirty deed himself?


  • rollercoaster

    It's all a matter of politics. Whose going to hold out the longest. And who can prove the dirty deed, since there has to be two or more witnesses. The whole thing is very controlling. I'm so glad to be no part of the Org.

  • cathy4school

    Hi RaySkyhorse, I would like to tell you what happened to me. My husband left me for my "best friend" and both were JW's. I divorced him for adultery. She was also married and when her divorce was final and my divorce was final they both married each other which was all planned from the beginning. I pushed the elders to disfellowship him but they were not too happy to do so but finally they did. They are now reinstated and going door to door while he deserted me and his children. The witnesses welcomed them both back and all is forgotten as far as what they did. All I can say at this point is that marriage is not anything in the eyes of God according to the Bible as it states adultery is the only grounds for divorce and since I did not commit the sin he is not free to remarry. That is the one thing that keeps me going is knowing that God cares about me and my family and does not accept such a dispicable so called marriage. I do believe that a marriage is sacred and if your life is not in danger then you stay with the person you married, if you can't stay with the person because of abuse or such treatment then you separate but for the respect of God you do not break the marriage vows with someone else. That's my belief but many do not see it that way. Just thought I would tell you my story and hopefully it will help you.

  • Ray Skyhorse
    Ray Skyhorse

    Cathy4school, thanks for sharing your story. What a horrible experience to go through. Did your ex and your "best friend" get married in a KH? Are you currently a Witness?

    Your story makes me think about my own situation. When my wife broke up with her Ex neither of them had committed adultery. It makes me wonder how she and the JWs view my marriage. Witnesses believe that the new marriage should be viewed as invalid if I understand correctly. She and her congregation must be doing some heavy rationalizing in order to justify our marriage.

  • cathy4school

    Hi Skyhorse, I was never a baptized witness although I was affiliated with the JW"s for over 20 years. I never did service time but went to all the meetings. I can only tell you how I feel. I feel that adultery is a sin which is one of the 10 commandments so my belief is that you don't do it if you want to do the right thing. When my husband and 'best friend' were having an affair it was hard because they were both baptized JW's and when I found out about the affair the elders had told me to tell no one because then I would be gossiping. I was mortified because I felt they were accepting what they were doing and waiting for the time when they could be accepted back in to the group. Yes, their plan worked, leave their families, get a divorce, get disfellowshipped, get married, and then reinstated and that is exactly what they did. I could not believe the hypocrisy of the elders. I listened to many talks over the years about adultery being a sin and then watched as my life fell apart and I was called 'evil' because I stopped going to meetings. To no avail, they are going door to door and preaching about the wrongs of adultery and are fine upstanding citizens in the group. I don't know where they were married, but I know that in God's eyes it is not a marriage because he is bound to me because I did not commit adultery. All I can tell you is my story and what I believe.I no longer go to meetings and I never intend on going back because I feel that we should practice what we preach and that is not the case in the organization. I hope I have helped you somewhat and good luck to you.

  • Shane

    You aint just singing Dixie, they do make it up as they go most of them anyway.
    My ex-dumped my sorry ass after a major injury when I fell from a roof she said you changed too much," stupid bitch, if she had twenty percent of her brain smashed she would be weepy too.
    Basically she told me that I admitted to not knowing for sure if I committed adultery one time, which is true, but I did not do it, I was exstreamly depressed at the time, clinical depression and was very confused. So when the time was right out goes the cone head that fell on his head and got seizures and crys all the time. the elders went along with the whole thing as well as anointed one who became her new mother in law.
    OH don't you just love Gods clean organization, what a farce.

  • Francois

    You know folks, she could have been put on unannounced probation. Could have been the mysterious six months we're hearing a lot about. We'll never know for sure, because - as you all have so accurately pointed out - the Jackasses make so much of it up as they go along.

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