Tour de France

by Abaddon 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    I've been following the Tour since 1985 and am looking forward to this year's Tour.

    Armstrong could possibly break his own record of six wins (consequitive) and retire with seven wins in-a-row.

    Thus far, only Indurain has managed even five in a row (1991-1995).

    Only three other riders have had five wins; Hinault ('78-'79, '81-82, '85), Merkx ('69-'72, '74) and Anquetil ('57, '62-'64).

    The only other American Tour winner, Lemond, could have had five in a row, but missed '87 and '88 as his brother-in-law mistook him for a turkey whilst hunting; he was a better rider than either Roche or Delgado who won whilst he was ill. But equally, Hinault and Anquetil could have had eight-in-a-row, as none of the riders who broke their runs were truely 'better', even if the fitness problems that prevented them winning weren;t quite as dramatic. Merkx could have only had six, but Ocana was a good rider too...

    The bets are however, if Armstrong does make it seven, it will be at least generation before anyone comes near it... although maybe people said that about Indurain? I could never stand him...

    Any cycling fans out there?

  • Joyzabel


    I hope Lance wins but it was great seeing Indurain in Atlanta for the Olympics before he retired. His wife was cute pregnant, too.

    I have a hat that Lance signed back in the early 90's when he was with the Motorola team.......wonder how much it would be worth on Ebay.

    Anyway, we'll be watching everyday to see how the Tour goes..............go Lance.

  • HadEnuf

    I LOVE the tour de France! I've been following Lance since about the 2nd year he won. I always ignored it before...I thought it was like watching golf...boring to me. But when you really learn about what they're doing and the strategies they use...the mountain races; the timed's really fun.

    I am rooting for a win for Lance. I would hate to see him not go out in a blaze of yellow glory!

    cathy l.

  • luna2

    I enjoy watching it too. Although, I don't have extended cable anymore, so I don't think I'll get the extended coverage I was able to watch last year. darn.

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