mom the other kids at the hall treat me like i'm not good enough

by candidlynuts 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country_Woman


    That was one of the best mother - daughter talks I ever heard !!

  • Ellie

    You should be so proud of your daughter and yourself, you seem to have a great relationship, I wish my mum had been able to talk to me like that during those difficult teenage years.

    I don't know your situation but would it not be possible for you to let her invite her 2 school friends over, let her socialise with them more outside of school?

    I really feel for your daughter, she should never be made to feel inadequate or second class by a bunch of stuck up hypocrites.

    Good luck!

  • coffee_black


    My daughter went throught the same did I when I was a jw teenager. JW girls are brutal. The good news is that it made my daughter see that it isn't the truth. She kept asking me where the love was..;..after all isn't that the identifying mark of the true religion? She figured it out at 13...and had decided that she wanted no part of she would bide her time until she came of age. Smart kid. Luckily, I saw through it too not long after. Today she's 29 years old...and she has a life!


  • RichieRich
    I bet ALOT of us raised in truth wish that someone not only asked us that question when we were 14 but also told us that is OK to be 14 and to live like a 14-year-old.

    Being a teenager is hard. It's even harder dealing with teenage things on top of dealing with JW crap. 14 is an awkward age... You have to go from the top of the world (Being an 8th grader) to the bottom (freshman year).

    It is so good that you have the relationship with your daughter where you can be honest and frank with her instead of the facade her dad is problably behind.

    PLEASE never lose that link, that bond. It could change a lot in her life... Trust me.

    I applaud you as a parent. I applaud you as a former JW. I applaud as the most internet savy ostritch / emu ever.

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