This will make you laugh.

by skyman 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • skyman

    Sunday's talk. My dad came home mad and told me. The speaker said "that all the main chruches of this world have joined the UN but only the Witnesses have not committed fornication by joining her. We are a clean people".

    That's not all. During the watchtower the local god like brother raised his hand commenting on the talk. He was "glad to know that the truth is clean and never would the truth commit fornication with the prositute the UN".

  • love2Bworldly

    Actually it makes me sad--the rank and file are so terribly misled by lies.

  • skyman

    I nor my wife have been to meetings in years. I could not imagine what I would have done if I was there. I might of jumped out of my chair and said F**** and then leave.

  • love2Bworldly

    By the way Skyman--I like your little picture. It makes me think of someone who is laughing at the stupidity of the Watchtower BS Society.

  • sonnyboy

    Statements like that are what caused me to abandon those arrogant, judgmental, masochistic, self-righteous fruitcakes.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Am speechless - how odd. IF I didn't know better I'd think that a little suggestion was being planted in the event of someone mentioning that the JW were ''IN'' (here the UN NGO thing isn't really ''known'') they're already programmed in the event of accusations.

  • Preston

    The moment would of been perfect if someone farted...

    - Preston

  • BrendaCloutier

    Oh My Gawd. Absolutely unbelievable, but I believe it!

    Preston, you're too funny.

  • prophecor

    *Chuckles at Preston's Comment*

  • undercover

    I would have loved to be at that meeting...

    In my situation anyway...I've been inactive for several years now and only go to the very rare meeting, usually when out-of-town family is in and they want to go to the meeting. My wife is also inactive but still thinks the JWs are right. She views me as most of the congregation does now...weak and unspiritual. She seems puzzled at my reluctance to go to any meetings or assemblies. I have told her my reasons for doubting the WTS but she has put up the defensive wall. So far nothing has gotten past it.

    To have heard that comment from the platform, twice even, and be able to expose the lie would create an oppurtunity to help her see the hypocrisy. I could see her suggesting that we talk to the elders about my information and see how they could help. I know that that would just cause the elders to go after me for apostasy once they saw that I wouldn't back down from my position. The injustice of being accused of wrongdoing when all you did was speak your mind and prove your position would get to her quicker than anything. I think it would open her eyes at least enough to see that I do have reason to doubt. Once that crack in the wall appears, it's only a matter of time before the flood waters break through.

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