JWs required to report medical information to elders

by Elsewhere 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan


    I really enjoyed your rant!


  • TooOpinionated

    This is another one of those topics that the general public needs to be more aware.

    I spoke at great length about this to my dentist who has a JW working for him in a brance office in another town. My next step is to inform the hospitals in a tri-city area about this. There is a dub who works in my childrens' pediatric office, and shunned me the last time I was there. That was my first clue I was being shunned, by the way. It was hilarious seeing her try not to make eye contact with me all the while having to ask me about my child! Her and her mother are super dubs, and I have no doubt that she would snoop and tell on people.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Well this is along the same lines..what of those that may have HIV?
    Or something contagious?
    I wonder what they would do?

    I read somewhere recently that the Magazines had an article about If you should tell your congregation if you have something like this..
    then it went on to say a loving christian would not expose whatever he had to other JW's..in other words..stay away leper!

    Anyone have info on this?

    Snoozy..just wondering.
    ps..When hubby was in the hospital..the "The laison Committee" couldn't get there fast enough to make sure he didn't take blood. Talked to the Drs. and nurses first..
    Then they came to see him. Course once the threat was gone..never saw them again..Hubby could have used their support and prayers as he was a faithful JW who wanted them to cisit so bad..

    They wanted me to sign some legal document of theirs saying I would not give him blood..I refused! Told them I could not promise what I would do if it was a matter of life or death..

    I remember a JW tech was hired to do an ultrasound on my heart me one time..since I have had high blood pressure in the past I have one done every year. She started making comments ..you know how they are..and I said are you a JW?..she said Yes..how did you know?Are you one?

    I said I hadn't been for sometime..she went on and on for sometime about how close we were etc. I could just feel my blood rushing..not a good time to meet a witness..
    And she kept saying over and over.."This is fate..This is fate!"..Scared the hell out of me..I thought I was going to die or something!
    She meant she thought Jehovah had sent her to "Save" me and get me back to the hall...

    I was really afraid when I had to go for the results..turned out it was OK but I told the Dr. Don't ever sent her again!!!!! and he didn't..I think he even stopped using that agency..

    Snoozy..sorry..kept thinking of things to add..

  • Gill

    (((((((mcsemike and daughter))))))))

    How did this crazy cult happen?

    I hope you'll be able to uncover and show the world the emotional destruction this evil cult has had on so many people in your book Mike.

    Good luck


  • greendawn

    That's really impertinent meddling in other people's jobs like that, in their employment contract they signed to abiding by a certain ethical code of conduct and they have no right to violate it and act as the borg's underhanded informants.

    Once more this cult shows how disgustingly intrusive and controlling over its members lives it is. Notice how they always bring up and misuse lots of biblical verses to sound valid, authoritative and intimidating.

  • Swan

    Great essay Scully!


  • mcsemike

    Thank you Tammy and Gill. As I said, being a psych student, I know how it happened. But that would take a book, there isn't room here. It has to do with the needs of the people who run into JW's who seem to have all the answers. Most JW's were searching for the "meaning of life" or had other problems. Typically, some of these are no family, trying to escape alcohol or drug abuse, and other things. Rarely does a well-adjusted person who has his act together study with the JW's and say, "This is the truth." How many JW's ever took the time to research the 2,000 religions in this country alone? Or to research the history of this cult and some of the insane claims it made in the past about drinking raw milk, having surgery, organ transplants, etc. I highly suggest the book by Don Cameron "Captives of a Concept". It tears 1919 and the WT's claim to be the faithful slave right out from under them. And it then destroys Prov. 4:18, which is the second most important verse to the JW's. The funny thing is that neither verse has anything to do with them being the truth. I have studied physics, astronomy, calculus, started to write a symphony, discussed philosophy, infinity, and many other scientific and artistic subjects with JW's and they just parrot the idiocy they read in the WT, probably written by high school graduates. In other words, the smarter people become and the more they learn about themselves, the less likely they are to ever be a JW. JW's have a college graduate rate of less than 5%. The Jews are the highest with 49%. The general population is in-between. JW's also have from 2 to 40 times the degree of mental illness than the general population does. What does that tell us? That only mentally disturbed, uneducated people become JW's or else trying to remain a JW once you are one drives you crazy. Please read the psychology pages on Freeminds, they are priceless. And Silent Lambs is doing a very good work. I post there often. I'm sure you can figure out my "handle". I will go public soon, but still hope my daughter will speak to me (she now has ignored me for 2 years, aren't mothers who stay in the WT so fair?). After the books come out, I will be DF'd. Then I hope to appear on the media and expose this cult. A few last facts to warn all of you. One out of every six women will be molested before they turn 18 years old. And about 90 to 95% of the molesters will be their fathers, brothers, uncles, doctors, policeman, teacher, clergyman, in other words, someone they know and trust. The scenario of the rapist hiding in an alley with a knife late at night is not the usual way. Please guard your children at all times. Trust no one. Even you sister or husband can be molesting your children. The best to all of you.

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