Personal Avatars

by RichieRich 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    So... Many of us posters here use pictures of ourselves as our avatars. I think we make a statement by doing that:

    a. This is me. I am real.

    b. Screw you, WTBTS- I'm no longer a faceless drone.


    c. To the lurkers / Newbys: Despite what you heard at the Kingdom Hall last night, Apostates aren't evil people. We have lives and are happier having left the org.

    I think this a strong statement and I applaud all of us who have a part in it. I noticed this was a trend with Matt (IP_SEC) and Tetrapod being the newest followers.

    SO my proposal is this:

    Everyone who is willing and able, lets pick a good picture of ourselves and upload it! This will give the board a more personal feeling, and send a message to those who oppose us.

    Who's with me?

  • kls

    I agree and plane to as soon as i have a decent one of me self. The only one i have now on my putter is me making a dumb face and that is the one my friends have but i will get of me soon with no stupid faces but just me stupid.

  • RichieRich

    kls- you'll always be a {insightful poster} in my mind!

    Edited to save my fat ass!

  • IP_SEC

    Uhoh rich, now you've done it.

  • whyamihere

    I have my Real self on here!

    <------------------------ F off WT!


  • arrowstar

    (hides under the plastic sheeting with IP/Binner because the poop is about to fly)

  • kls
    Uhoh rich, now you've done it.

    Oh i feel my bowles moving and Binner comes to mind

  • whyamihere

    Do I look sexy or pissed off?

  • kls
    hides under the plastic sheeting with IP/Binner because the poop is about to fly)

    You can run but you can't hide cause this monkey butt gonna throw a surprise

  • ozziepost

    Sadly this may seem like some kind of pressure (remember the WTS?) is being brought to bear.

    It has always been the case that posters divulge as much or as little about themselves as they wish.

    We will not be encouraging anything else than that.

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