Was John Denver the Anti-Christ?

by sixsixsixtynine 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • sixsixsixtynine

    "I just know that many JWs were happy when he suddenly died, believing Jehovah smote him!" Are you serious!? I guess flying in the face of God with his "experimental" aircraft was the last straw.

  • DannyHaszard

    Variables of the JD urban legend is an entrenched dub legacy.

    Yankee doodle Danny from Maine has heard mostly this version (ca.1986):Before his concert he asked if any JW's who are present to stand up,(under the cover of honoring them) then he played the American national anthem.

    Of course the dude's dead so he can't refute.I am (age 48) classic rock 'n roll man myself,although i never had it aganist JD.

    BTW another entrenched dub yankee urban legend in my neck of the woods is that Danny Haszard is a throughly demonized apostate cannibal.

  • hillbilly

    lets' see.... the guy is a folk singer for gods sake........ I dont remember John Denver ever putting out a kill- your- neighbor -love Satan tune on any of his records.

    JW's hate anything-anyone of this "world". By perpetuation of the urban myth that JD "hates" JW's the JW gets to demonize a rather harmless Country-folksy singer. JW's are control freaks...so Dad takes your Cheap Trick and ZZ Topp so whats left? JOHN DENVER! Solution: make up a silly wild assed story about him too! Kids only get "kingdome Melodies...grow up to pioneer and serve at Bethel........mission accomplished!

    That rumor never made it to the West Tennessee area ...unless it got there after '83...Never heard it in South Florida from 83 to 96 either.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Ermn... Well, apparently John Denver's Dad didn't hate JW's. I used to babysit for a brother and sister in our congregation in Aurora, Colorado. They lived at "The Falls" apartments. Their names were the Smiths. They had three girls. I babysat in the summer for them. Brother Smith, who was NOT an elder, would play golf with Mr. Deutschendorf
    (John Denver's dad) at least once a week at a golf course in Aurora, Colorado. They did it quite leisurely, so I doubt John Denver was very mad at his Dad or the people he played golf with.


  • Leolaia

    We had two or three threads on this subject when Johnny Carson died. It had a lot of info you may have not seen.

    I heard the rumor myself throughout the '80s. Being a little kid, I thought it was true and hated John Denver for it. Today I have not seen any good evidence that it is true.

  • love2Bworldly

    I forgot all about this. Yes in California there were rumors floating that John Denver hated Witnesses and Johnny Carson liked Witnesses.

  • Honesty

    I am so thankful I no longer belong to a religion that promotes such hatred of individuals.

  • Seeker4

    Yes, we heard this urban legend in New England, as Danny said. I never believed it then, and don't believe it now.

    Part of the reason is that I heard the very same story - any JWs here, stand up, and then the band played the National Anthem - about Hawaii's Don Ho, and I think there may have been at least one other performer that it was said of.

    I was just discussing with a couple of co-workers today some of the JW urban legends. I think it's about as likely that John Denver did that at all of his concerts as it is that a demonized Smurf doll walked out of a Kingdom Hall, or that a sister going door-to-door alone was protected from a rapist because he saw two "men" standing on either side of her, or that heavy metal records "screamed' as they were being thrown into a fire.

    I see part of the motivation of this is that it gives JWs a sort of twisted sense of importance when someone famous like JD berates us at the beginning of all of his concerts. In reality, probably John Denver never gave JWs a second thought.


  • Princess

    I heard it exactly as you said. Of course, I grew up in pretty much the same circle as you. I also heard Danny's version with the national anthem.

    I have a JD collection right here on my desk. Reminds me of when I was a little girl. My cousin lived with us and played his music all the time.

    Nice to see you 6669. Oh, and happy almost birthday.

  • LyinEyes

    I grew up hearing the same thing, and there were many witnesses who loved John Denver anyway.

    I later heard that ones of his wives was a JW, but I can't remember where I heard that.

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