Seeker4's 500th Post - My letter to the elders - long but fun

by Seeker4 52 Replies latest members adult

  • freedom96

    Very good letter. My wife knows you and gave me a little background. I wish you the best.

  • Seeker4

    Glad she filled you in. I'm assuming it's Caligirl. Say hi for me. S4

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Well done, seeker4. I must admit I have not read all of it yet. But it is excellent. Since you sent it in April what has happened? Any response?

    One of my favorite lines was this;

    I decided long ago that I would rather have questions I can’t answer than questions I can’t ask.

    As they say on the beer commercials - "Brilliant, just brilliant."


  • minimus

    Seeker, it was a PLEASURE meeting you this past summer! I read the entire intial post you wrote and it was excellent! If I need your services in the future, I will get in touch with you. Great letter!!!!!!

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    That is one kicka** letter! Thanks for sharing.
    tall penguin

  • Golf

    "Depending upon length of activity and other factors suggested above, elders may determine to hold the matter in abeyance." You can take that to the bank, 'elders may determine to hold in abeyance.' Not may, but 'will.'

    Plenty of food for thought for others.


  • Seeker4

    I haven't heard a word from the elders since I delivered the letter. That having been said, I've also heard from a few sources that it was announced that I am no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses - the new disfellowshipping announcement. None of those sources are first hand, and I asked my ex-wife a few months ago, and she said no announcement had been made. My son-in-law is trying to find out for me. How they could df me without notifying me, or telling me that I could appeal the decision, sounds really weird to me. But, you know how they make uup the rules as they go along. Minimus - was great to meet you as well. Have you read the newspaper article I linked to yesterday? Check it out. Golf - I tried to give them some food for thought. Not sure how well it worked! Thank you all for reading it. S4

  • Sparkplug
    How they could df me without notifying me, or telling me that I could appeal the decision, sounds really weird to me.

    Sounds like exactly what they did to me the second of the three times I was DF'ed. I am not going back for 4th's. never.

  • Seeker4

    Sparkplug, DFed 3x! Wow. I'm still not sure whether any announcement has been made. Not that it really makes any difference to me. S4

  • Sparkplug

    Yeah..I must be a real sh#$%t!

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