If you do something contrary to what the bible teaches, how do you react?

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • acadian

    With Relief, Jesus died for my sins right, at least I hope ? Just a stupid human ya know !

    I think most people know right from wrong...what ever that is ?

    if you don't like it don't do it.

    do unto others...

    Kind Regards


  • RevFrank

    Good question......Now I've read some of the comments and I thought I'd reply.

    Someone said they may not do it..not just because it comes out of a book(bible). Others say their conscience is their guide. Cool.

    Some say the Bible says not to kill. And of course it also talks about killing....Isreal's enemies. But if you examine it closly, it says not to murder. Murder is senseless killing.

    Now many of us realizes jehovah Witnesses don't join the military. That's cool up to a point. Why? Because of the killing of the enemies. Yet the first few thousand years wars were made, especially to God's chosen people. God made war with His enemies. Yet King David followed God's rule on war.

    Eye for an eye, life for a life.....the old text talked of civil law. Yet today we live under Grace.

    Cornelius, Acts 10, was soldier. A centurion which as history says is a commander. He didn't give up his poisition. It says that he was a devout man and feard God.

    So let's get this straight. jehovah witnesses have the right to refuse service from the military. It's in the Constitution. Yet the Bible says otherwise..........

    In Romans 13:1-5 and 1Peter 2:13-15 states we should obay and submit to the governments. And what's more, if the governments do evil, God will judge them.

    The Bible does not contradict itself. The Hebrew text,old testament, speaks under civil law....The Greek text,new testament, speaks of living under Grace.

    I leave you with this thought..............

    "knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."(2Peter 1:20,21)


  • GentlyFeral

    I'm convinced that the Golden Rule trumps absolutely everything.

    Now, I've heard some people say that only works if you're living among people whose idea of "as you would have them do unto you" is similar to your own, but this is about equality of result.

    Basically, my conscience is clear if the things I choose to do make other people happier or at least have no effect on their lives – as far as a reasonable person can determine. You have to be observant and pay attention to cultural differences. (A trivial example: my black co-workers and I have had long discussions about how slighted they feel when I fail to say "Good morning"! I thought it didn't matter or might even be an interruption to greet them while they were working; they assumed I was looking right through them.)

    gently feral

  • SixofNine

    JH, you've been on this board long enough to have learned the origins of the bible. Try reading something informational and then try learning from it.

  • LittleToe

    I shrug my shoulders and get on with life.
    If it bothers my consience post-facto, I examine why and offer one up.

    Know thyself, and to thine own self be true...

  • Scully

    Evil Force writes:

    In the OT you were to stone someone to death if they wore a shirt made of two threads,,,,,aka cotton/poly blend.

    So they had the fashion police back in Bible times too, huh?

  • jaffacake

    A good question

    I don't accept that the Bible clearly teaches what you believe it clearly teaches.

  • trevor
    If you do something contrary to what the bible teaches, how do you react?

    My reaction to the bible is to do something contrary to what it teaches.

    I may have got confused here but this is just one of many translations or interpretations of an eternal question and I am reversing the question in sympathy with the original text. By the way - Why is wine 14% now. It is interfering with my bible studies.

  • flower

    I dont take the 'rules' in the bible any more serious than I do the rules of any other book. I take what I want to use and leave the rest. I daily do things that contradict what others believe to be right or wrong. I don't really care what others think whether they be imaginary supreme rulers of the universe who wont let me live in their imaginary kingdom of heaven or other people who try to project their own guilt and misery in trying to live up to their own moral code onto me. As someone else said I only have to be true to myself.

    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

  • trevor

    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
    Now we are talking! Good old fashion plain speak language that I can understand.

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