Maybe I need a more interesting subject line

by squinks 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • squinks

    I was wondering who is going to the Wisconsin Apostafest.

  • kls

    Not me but hope all that are have a great time.

  • squinks


    Thanks for posting though, I get all kind of sad when nobody does. I know that is totally silly but I can't help it. Do you know of anybody that is planning on being there?

  • kls

    Oh don't be sad Squinks ,lots of people ignore me and that is their losslol.

    Are you talking about HadEnufs party?

  • talley

    I am 95% sure of attending HadEnuf's apostafest.

    And I'm having fun playing with the planning of the trip and such, looking up routes on 'streets and trips', considering time line, motels, how much 'adult beverage' I will imbibe under the circumstances (doesn't take much for me to get a buzzzz), and how to bring and keep the real heavy cream that I must have in my morning coffee. Then there is what to bring to add to the 'groaning board'. Just the adventure of a solo 190mile overnight auto trip to meet 'cyber folk'. I am surprised that Hubby is putting up with my foolishness.

    But you won't be very pleased that I replied to this thread, because when I reply to a dies....sorry....

    talley/Judy, River Falls, WI

  • whyamihere
  • HadEnuf

    Well my dear squinks...I know I'M GONNA BE THERE!! I'm stuck now for sure!! (just kidding, i think)

    I think there should be a nice turn out. Yesterday the hubster and I even purchased two tents from Sears that should come in handy if it does rain. (HadEnuf gets up and does her anti-rain dance...ouch...knees too'll have to do one for me squinks!!) They are the kind with the sides you can roll up or put down and mosquito netting too. Half price!! That was a big worry...what to do if it rains, with my teeny, tiny house. They are good sized too!! Big relief!!!

    But in about 2 weeks people are going to have to rsvp for sure so we can plan the food, etc.

    love you my little squinkypooh!!

    cathy l.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Squinks...that sure is a pretty kitty!

    Is it yours or just a pic?

    I have a parakeet I would love to get rid of..

    I really like him but he loves to squawk!
    I leave his cage door open and he loves to "Buzz" my head when I am reading the paper..

    I think he thinks he's my boss!..

    Anyway a cat would put him in his place!...

    Hope you have a good turnout...


  • Country_Woman

    I'm not going: to far away......

    But all of you who are willing and able to go: have a marvelous time....

  • squinks

    Yup, I mean HanEnuf's Cheesehead extravaganza!!! My daughters are going to come with me, we have a room and I can't wait. The kitty is just a picture I found. She is my dream kitty!! My daughter is terribly allergic to kitties so my kitty had to move out a few years ago.

    And did I mention that the sun is back. We have had the most awful cloudy Wuthering Heights type weather. Heathcliff O Heathcliff.

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