Life kicks a$$

by Winston Smith :>D 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Sounds like you`re having a good trip, Winston, and I thank you for sharing those feelings with us.

    Chopra is amazing, I love his books. `think of it like this,,, we are all terminals hooked up to the cosmic computer` That`s how he described the collective consciousness in his book Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. An interesting way to put it, and it has stuck with me for quite a few years.

    He has a really cool fiction novel, too. Lots of symbolism, but simplistic enough that it`s not heavy reading. (can`t remember the name of it) A real communicator and lover of life, he is.


  • xjwms


    Good to see your post. I am so pleased for you. Reach out and grab all you can.

  • bavman

    Here's to Buddha!

  • proplog2

    Deepak Chopra - isn't he a rapper?

  • GentlyFeral

    Greetings, ivy,

    Any good reading to suggest on the subject?

    What a cool coincidence thing to happen. My spiritual counselor has been making me read about this lately.

    • The Science of Getting Rich (also works as a general theory of "coincidence management" :)
    • Thought Vibration: The Law of Attraction in the Thought World, by William Walker Atkinson (I can't find it online any more, but I can send it to you as etext if you pm me)
    • As A Man Thinketh
    • And then there's the classick Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

    I know all this sounds like "magical thinking," but hey, that's an essential skill for a magic worker. If you're a reductionist, think of it as a way of tweaking the reality filters in your favor. "Pessimism" is just as much a way of "cooking the data" as optimism is - and we know which one makes more room for happiness.

    gently feral

  • MerryMagdalene

    Very cool, Winston...and too funny.

    Here's why: I stopped in just to say "Yeah, life's definitely kickin' my a$$" but I couldn't after I read your post. Thanks for cheerin' me...


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Thanks for the replies. Glad to see the postitive vibes help out others here as well.

    I'd reply to each post, but I'm too lazy.

    Please know that I appreciate your thoughts.

  • Sunnygal41

    Hey, Winston!!! Cool stuff you're reading! I, myself just began shamanic training.......haven't been on here in a while now.........just felt the need to go do something different with my life..........glad that you are getting started in a feels good to finally realize what you want to do with your life, doesn't it? 34............47..........whatever age, at least we aren't still sitting at the KH swallowing down the empty promises they make..........we woke up and decided to live our lives the way we wanted to..........that takes courage. Salud!!!!

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