My adventures to the Kingdom Hall

by ColdRedRain 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • fairchild

    Coldredrain, that could be interesting. Please let us know how this weekend's visit went.

  • orangefatcat

    Wishing you well on this visit with the elder. But as Neonmadam said , your goose is cooked if you don't agree with them on the faithful and discreet slave class and recognizing them as God"s instrument on the earth at this time. If you just so much as suggest a no then look out your going to get cooked big time.

    I congratulate you on your courage to speak up about the UN information and yes I would definitely attack them on the subject of pedophiles and the blood issue. Get your amuntion in gear and blast them out of the water. I wish I could be a fly on your wall.

    Good luck and I know you'll stick it to them.

    love Orangefatcat

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Part like the Red Sea! That was funny!..

    Well, my experience was at hubby's memorial at the KH..I chose the one by his JW Mom's because they are so nice people..always treated me with respect if they dropped in to visit his Mom or whatever..

    So when we arrive..we found out seats..(Kids and I) and after the "Talk" was members all got together in the front of the hall. When we walked out some of the witnesses from our old KH we used to attend were there. Now here's the ones from the country hall giving us hugs..talking with us..consoling us..(And they know we are no longer JW's)..and the other side..the ones from our old hall..I got such icy stares from them.(Except 2 of them).wouldn't talk to any of us..I just smiled..said hi..and kept bizzare is that?. One lady DID come up and squeeze my hand..but her elder..took her arm and escorted her away..but she did have time to tell me she had had two heart attacks..she was one of the sweet ones..oh yeah..and one other "Brother" that wasn't a witness when we went..(his wife was a JW.). but later did become one..came up and talked with me. We had seen him in the hospital when hubby was in there. His wife had cancer and was dying. He came up to tell me he just found out he also had cancer!..I gave him a big hug and started crying..

    So sometimes you gotta wonder..why is it OK for some to be compassionate and not others?..Is it the JW thing or just the person needs an excuse to be evil?


    ps..If they show up...You know that after a few of your questions they will just scratch their heads and say"Well I guess we better be going now!"..there is no way possible they can explain the things we know!

  • NeonMadman

    By the way, I should mention what I said when the "loyalty question" was asked of me, because it seemed to work.

    After a long discussion on false prophecies, subliminal images in the literature, doctrinal problems, etc. (didn't know about pedophiles or the UN at that time) one of the elders hit me with, "Well, what do you think about the organization anyway? Do you believe that the F&DS is the one instrument that God is using in our day?"

    My response: "Well, I've believed that for many years, but in light of all the things we've discussed that have now come to my attention, I just don't know what to think anymore!" At the time, they were willing to leave it at that, and I managed to do the fade before it went any further.

  • NeonMadman
    But as Neonmadam said

    Ahem...that's NeonMADMAN...

  • 95stormfront
    More important than all this JW crap- did you find your credit card and cell phone?


    Getting back to the more "important" things....

    RR....I like your style.

  • 95stormfront
    We now have an alarm that goes off whenever a Witness is within 100 miles. (Actually it's a bullshit detector but the Witnesses set it off.)

    I'll bet it doesn't have to be that finely calibrated to work

  • ljwtiamb
    They asked to talk to me about why I don't believe in the religion. I gave them my phone number and they're coming this weekend.

    I have a little UN styled suprise for them, if you know what I mean.

    The elders are being trained (much like monkeys) to ask very specific questions and look for key phrases. Their goal is to get you clearly on one side or the other in order to DA or DF you. So, be extremely careful. Remember, no matter how good your arguments are, they will completely turn their thinking off and focus on you.

    Don't let your emotions over these recent incidents at the kh allow them to take control and get you to go in their direction. They do not want a 2nd visit with you. They want to either assign someone to study with you or get the necessary ammo to proceed with an official announcement that you are no longer a JW (which now allows your family & friends to shun you).

  • Es

    pls make sure you keep us posted to what the elders have to say in there defense es

  • Evanescence

    Knowing the elders If they were to try and convert you,

    I think they'd most likely try the trinity crap on ya, If you want to go to the catholic website, and go on their forum, they might be able to help you with arguments you can raise with the elders. Heres a few good links that are jw related

    The site doesn't only contain catholics, there are people from all sorts of religions and the forums are really good too! there are heaps of ppl!

    Or just google search type in something and click search.

    If I saw an elder i'd like to have my two cents worth about child abuse, sex abuse and sexism that goes on in the org!

    Your very brave you show them! study the bible, net search you'll corner them for me!


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