My adventures to the Kingdom Hall

by ColdRedRain 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty
    They will likely ask you whether you believe that the "faithful and discreet slave" class is the one channel that God is using in our day to communicate with mankind. A "no" answer will assure your disfellowshipping as an apostate.

    I guarantee the most zealous of your visitors will be scratching his cods while waiting for his moment of glory when the loyalty question is asked. I bet it takes less than 10 minutes for the issue to pop up. The zealous elder that I told I was 'ouuta here' wanted to know right off the bat if I believe that the FDS class is the one channel God is using to communicate to mankind. He about choked his smug smile down his throat when I asked him, "What do you think of a religion that has been claiming for over 60 years that the UN is 'the scarlet colored wild beast of Revelation and then secretly affiliates itself with that beast?".

  • freedom96

    Study, study, and study some more so you can make the best arguement against the WTS with these elders. Hopefully it comes off as sincere, and maybe will help these guys think.

    Too bad people had to act snobbish to you. But then again, it was they that had to go back in and sit through a dreary 2 hours of crap.

  • blondie

    Did I miss something? Were you not allowed to go in a get your mom yourself? Was she in the restroom? Is she not taking your phone calls at home?


  • 144001

    I was never baptized, and excised the cancerous lesion known as the Watchtower by simply terminating all attendance or other association with Jehovah's Witnesses. I was 14 at the time, and about a year later, the local congregation, at the behest of my father, sent some young brothers to meet with me. I'll never forget it. As they approached the door, I took in one big hit off the water pipe. When they rang the doorbell, I opened the door and exhaled a large volume of smoke in their faces. I guess they got the message, because I never saw or heard from them again.

  • RichieRich

    More important than all this JW crap- did you find your credit card and cell phone?

  • unbeliever

    Oh I can relate. I left the cult at around age 16 and some young dubs would be snobs to me right in my mothers own house. A couple of times I felt like an outsider in my own home. I do give my mom some credit she did not invite the ones who treated me so coldly again to her house until after I turned 18 and moved out.

  • littletree

    I haven't been back to my old Kingdom hall since September 2003, but I did run into some girls who used to go there. I mean, they were like family to me at one time, my "spiritual" little sisters. They were scared to come close to me, and stood there looking at me like I had two heads!!! (I'm not disfellowshipped, but there are rumors going around that I have apostate views). Anyway, I just laughed it off in my head, and thought it was so strange how people change towards you.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Littletree -

    I can relate to that expression ' looked at me like I have two heads'. That is the look I get - and like others never DF'd or DA'd yet....

    I have coined a term to describe it "Self-righteous legalistic judgementalism"

    That about sums it up!


  • garybuss

    I had a similar experience in 1992. I'd been out of town and when I got back I went to a circuit assembly location to pick up my wife and take her out to dinner. I got there too early and I had to sit through a little over one hour of lectures and ritual prayer and song. There must have been about 300 people there and they all snubbed me except two when I came in. I stood at the side of the exit line so they ALL HAD to file right past me. None spoke or even looked at me.

    My cousin and her husband and their family filed past me and snubbed me. That night he went home and had a heart attack and died.

    Everybody filed out and I didn't see my wife. When I got home I found out she hadn't attended that day.

    That episode was the first time I was aware that I was being shunned. It was the start of a 3 year family battle. In the end the shunning stopped but the family didn't survive. But then we are a typical Witness influenced family. I can't think of one Witness family that survived intact. EVERY single Witness family I know of is fractured due to Jehovah's Witness people exercising their freedom of choice.

    If I hadn't fought the Witness people I wouldn't be married to the mother of my children today. We now have an alarm that goes off whenever a Witness is within 100 miles. (Actually it's a bullshit detector but the Witnesses set it off.)

  • tijkmo

    hey know how when you went to conventions and you had to try manouvre thru throngs of people all chatting together on the concourses

    well no bother if you is df

    the crowds part like moses at the red sea

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