Have you a POSITIVE JW experience??

by ScoobySnax 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    OK sometimes I feel it's good to maybe not redress the balance, but at least can you say something positive that you gained from your JW experience. So thats what I want you to do, if you so feel inclined. Can you say or mention something that had a positive effect on you when you were a Witness? There must be something. Maybe someone you looked upto in the congregation, some experience you had, or even something you enjoyed about it all.

    Come on it doesn't hurt, after all some of that past is still in you and is part of you. Its what made , you today.

    Can you think of anything positive about Jehovah's Witnesses/your experience to say?


  • DanTheMan
    Can you think of anything positive about Jehovah's Witnesses

    Lots of pretty women

  • cruzanheart

    The positive experiences I had while I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses were because of the people I was with, not with the organization as a whole. And since my departure from the Witnesses I've discovered absolutely wonderful people who are NOT Jehovah's Witnesses too.

    I remember as a Witness hearing it said, very sneeringly: "Well, SOME people think there's good in all religions." Not necessarily good in all religions but there ARE good PEOPLE of every religious faith. It has been my privilege to know a great many who just happened to be Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • Kenneson

    I have not set foot in a Kingdom Hall since 1966 and don't intend to ever set foot in one again. It has been a very positive experience for me.

  • littlerockguy

    Met a great Bethelite at a district convention and we became friends and I use to try to go up to NY and see him when I could. We would write and talk on the phone. He really had an interest in me and we had great times together. I sometimes wonder what he is doing now.

    And I have met some great people in the organization who I still love unconditionally no matter what. I wouldn't have the kind of job that I do now if it wasn't for a sister who mentored me; I admire her for so many reasons.

  • ScoobySnax

    me too Nina. In my experience, I remeember a very good lot of Witnesses on the whole.. Not just in my congregation, but regularly we have Witness patients. Even some of my nursing colleagues who know nothing of my past, say even though they have difficulty getting their head round the blood issue, the witnesses always seem like so much more pleasant people than other religions. I have to smile.

  • Tracy

    positive?... positive?.... positive?.... Well as a teen, I stayed out of drugs. I was never allowed to date so I had no idea how to even deal with that area of life... but it did keep me out of drugs. When they were offered to me, I said no. I also never started smoking.

    This is a really hard excercise!


  • PointBlank

    Being a JW and being associated with the Watchtower Society taught me what abusive religion is and what spirituality isn't.

  • littlerockguy

    I guess one positive thing about being a witness in my teens and 20s was my sexual repression in that I wasn't reckless and had multiple sex partners and put myself in risk of getting HIV like so many of my friends are living with now.

  • Markfromcali

    Sure here's one: I remember at a certain District Convention, during the break I had seen this sister who was part of the drama, and I smiled and pointed to her from my seat above and she smiled somewhat shyly and kind of waved back in a "tee hee" sort of way.

    And there are other experiences that has more to do with the religion itself, but I don't really think of it as all that relevant because I don't think it's all about having a positive or negative experience. Frankly, I think it is entirely possible that someone may have an aversion to the JWs and the experience and never really wake up out of it. Basically it's just a matter of being caught up with experience, good or bad, JW or otherwise. We hear a lot about learning from experience in the typical life lesson kind of way, but I say if you learn not to be caught up in experience, being free from it like 'it was just an experience', then that'll go a lot farther than the little life lessons kind of learning. Even though we talk about JW stuff to some extent, to me it's about having this experience with you guys right now - even if we talk about past experiences.

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