Concerning Simplicity

by dunsscot 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • dunsscot

    I'll be back later to take care of brother larc and others. For now, I want to share a brief quote taken from Albert Einstein. If the Doctor fouls up the quote, he takes full responsibility for any legal ramifications that may append thereto. Here is the quote. I do not not have time to verify it at this moment:

    "We must seek to make things as simple as possible, not simplistic as possible."

    Duns the Scot

  • peterstride

    Yes, according to the simplistic minds of the WTS, everything is simple, black and white, no in betweens.

    Seems like you're running when the going gets tough, while still trying to threaten by saying "i'll be back to take care of brother larc and others."

    From the other thread, you haven't answered my question...where do we go to get the mind and mental disposition of Christ?

    Peter STride
    Toronto, CAnada

  • Hmmm

    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler."
    Albert Einstein

    Don't worry, I don't think his family will sue you.

    I just read a clever one that I believe was attributed to Einstein, "What time does Manchester stop at this train?" Haven't been able to verify it.


  • Jim Lad
    Jim Lad

    What about Paul saying that he should speak in such a way that the hearer understands so as not to be speaking into the air? Now that a good god-fearing JW has learned that ONE scripture tells him to do something he'd better do it or be disfellowshipped!!! (eg: Birthdays, meetings,...)

    Now keep it simple Dunns or be caste out of God's good side for good!

  • Stephanus

    Can't remember who said this, but it reminds me of the simple faith of the faithful R&F who post here:

    "For every complex problem, there is a simple solution. And it is invariably wrong!"

  • Farkel

    : I'll be back later to take care of brother larc and others.

    You condescending bastard. Larc has a PhD and it ain't in grammar and spelling by the way, you pompous pedantic jerk. You went to "Screw U" and graduated with honors.

    How are sales of your book doing? Sorry I couldn't get that professor to review even one chapter of it. He could have made a fast several hundred bucks. He'd rather have his fingernails pulled out one-by-one than take that money and waste his time. So we pulled out his fingernails one-by-one and he said that was the better option.

    And another thing: he says that I'm a GREAT writer and guarantees that if I write a book he will get it published. Since he's a published author himself (he has written a tome on the Titanic among many other things in his distinguished career and is well-respected around the world), he ain't jiving me. Doesn't it just PISS YOU OFF that he wouldn't review a SINGLE CHAPTER of your book for MONEY, yet has been pleading with me for over two years to write a book on dubs?

    The reason is simple: I talk to the folks and you are a pompous windbag, you pompous windbag.

    How's Rolf's Hebrew coming along?

    Farkel, who's sick of the games the man-behind-Duns Scott is playing

  • Stephanus

    SO have you decided he IS Greg Stafford now, Fark?

  • Scorpion

    Greg is an evil coward. It is sad so many JWs I deal with look up to him and admire his books. I wonder how much the WT pays him to distribute his trash to the cockroaches.

  • Stephanus

    I've heard rumours that he's on the WBTS' payroll. How likely is that to be true?

  • dunsscot

    Fark: And another thing: he says that I'm a GREAT writer and guarantees that if I write a book he will get it published. Since he's a published author himself (he has written a tome on the Titanic among many other things in his distinguished career and is well-respected around the world), he ain't jiving me. Doesn't it just PISS YOU OFF that he wouldn't review a SINGLE CHAPTER of your book for MONEY, yet has been pleading with me for over two years to write a book on dubs?:

    I think your friend's bias against Jehovah's Witnesses is manifest. The reason he did not want to read JWD is because he does not like God's people.

    :The reason is simple: I talk to the folks and you are a pompous windbag, you pompous windbag.:

    Believe me, you would be pompous, if you had the ability. Unfortunately, you've only reached the status of windbag without all the pomposity.

    :How's Rolf's Hebrew coming along?:

    Haven't you read his engrossing book on the NWT? Rolf is an accomplished linguist and has a degree in semantic languages. He has shown himself to be very proficient in Hebrew. You can acquire his book at

    Duns the Scot

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