Fear of the big "A"

by Chia 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hondo


    Your statement

    "Fear of the Big A (Dubs) = Fear of Hell-fire (Roman Catholic)

    What's the difference?"

    Big, big, difference. the JW's have taken their belief of the Big A from the bible totally out of context and fear it because the idiots at Bethel say to fear it. JW's fear getting dissassociated for not believing in the Big A more than the Big A itself. Catholics, for the most part, do not fear Hell. It's in the bible, granted, in fact, the word Hell is mentioned in the bible more Heaven. JW's proclaim, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling", and soon. Catholics do not warn or announce that hell awaits those who do not believe, or that it is right around the corner. Free will is free will.

    In you statement above, you need to replace Roman Catholic with the Evangelical Fundamentalists. These folks are the Hell Fire and Brimstone Sola Scripturist, and do threaten their congregations with eternal damnation if the bible is not followed explicitly. Catholics use the bible as the "guide of life", not the "explicit rulebook of life."

  • fairchild

    I could name at least 10 people right off the top of my head who are good souls, but they don't open the door to let the JWs in. Do you think those good people who don't have a habit of putting themselves first, but help others instead, do you think that God will destroy them? It is tough when you are taught over and over again that the only road to salvation is to walk the narrow path which is paved by the GB. But the bible talks about the narrow path which leads to life. I truly believe that we pave that path ourselves with our actions. I too was afraid of what would happen to me during the big A, and all I can do is try to be a decent human being. There are some very kind JWs, but there are also some real mean JWs. IMHO, Gos will not judge us according to the kind of religious organization we belong to. We will be judged by our actions.

  • Es

    I think we all have that niggling thought what if the JW have the truth. And i guess we will till the day we die or when and if armagedon comes. But all i know is i love my life and thats worth more than what i felt in the "truth" es

  • moanzy

    My decision to leave was based part on all the crap I lived through as a JW and it didn't end when I got married. The organization slowly was trying to put a wedge in my married life and how I raised my kids. It went on and on and on. I had enough of it and being disfellowshipped before I lost my fear of shunning.

    I didn't want to lose my family, but I knew it was inevitable if I left. I told my sister that I had thought about leaving and she was of course appauled with an added shreak. I asked her "what are you all going to do, not talk to me anymore? I will live" I also asked my mom if the society is going to stand before God when I am judged and explain why I did the things I did. Since they aren't ,then I would rather make my own decisions on how to live my life because at least when I stand before God (by myself) I know why I did what I did.

    Once I left I felt so free finally, but I also was angry because I lost my family. I also still feared the big A as well as demons. The biggest help was reading. I read anything I could on different religions as well as eastern religion. I also read Crisis of Concience and In Search of Christian Freedom. And don't forget to learn about Cults and how they work. This all leads to freedom of JWs and their doctrine.

    I still harbour a fair amount of hate for this home dividing, judgemental false religion, but I am doing sooooo much better than when I was a JW. I also find life so much more worthwhile, living in the here and now instead of my mind focused on the paradise. Reading the bible without the watchtower or the organization mindset I found it is directed more to individuals than to a group.

    Good luck finding your freedom. It is there for everyone you just have to find it.


  • PaulJ

    Wow! Im home! Chia- what a fantastic thread you have started here! So many of these posts bang the nail on the head with how i feel! Especially Phrophercor, Luna2, Sunspot, Love2B, hecklerboy and Brenda- thank you all!!!!!!

    This has been a nagging feeling in the back of my mind since i left, but now i feel i can think a bit clearer about it now!

    Thanks again!


  • Evanescence

    Don't let the org control you with fear!

    God won't kill you, you are his beloved child and he wants you to be happy!

    I've looked at the watchtower site OH HOW I WANT TO GIVE THEM MY TWO CENTS!!!!

    Dear watchtower,


  • doofdaddy

    Time to grow up kiddo. So you have a boyfriend, no longer believe the jw spiel, are 22 years old but still aren't sure about gods wrath.? Methinks your actions speak louder than your words....

  • rebel8

    There are books about all the failed doomsday predictions made by many different organizations and individuals over the past centuries and millenia. There have always been doomsday'ers. Maybe reading such a book would help you to put the jw predictions into perspective with all the rest of the loonies.

  • tijkmo

    the way i see it chia is...a god of justice knows what happened to me...my reasons for what i did..my thinking..my feelings...my attitude..my attempts to fix things...my being denied that...my abandonment...my mental spiritual emotional physical financial anguish...my conclusions...my decisions based on all of these things

    a god of justice would not fail to take that into account

    or he isnt a god of justice

    in which case we are all screwed

  • Chia

    Well a lot of people have some very good thoughts. I want to thank Nathan for the good laugh. When you put it that way, yeah, it does sound kinda ridiculous! But my whole life, I have been "eating hot dogs without condiments" so to speak. LOL. When you get that first taste of mustard it's a bit frightening.

    I also think M.J. and Java had some good points too. Psychologically, I am very beaten and abused. It will take some time to get over this fear. One thing I know, as PaulJ and others attested to, is that I am definitely not alone. I'll get stronger with time. It really hasn't been that long since I've stopped going to meetings either, only about a month. So the doctrine is still deep within me, even though I don't believe what they say, and their actions prove they aren't what they say they are, it's still hard to change 22 years of thinking. I'm glad I'm getting out early. I can't imagine being, say, my mom's age and finding this stuff out.

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