Did every congregation have one or two desperate singletons?

by diamondblue1974 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mapleaf18

    It always looked like "bride.com" at the KHs I visited. Beautiful women on the arm of underachieving, pompous dogs; present company on this board excluded, of course.

    I agree w/ the 1000 sisters to one brother ratio! You'd have to be pretty bad off not to make the cut as a brother.

    One does come to mind, though. 5' 5" tall, chubby, voice higher than a girls, albino looking, but he had a good job.

    Most were not able to overlook those first 4 factors. . .

    Many of the most attractive sisters either left da troof for REAL men, or they settled for a horse-faced JW janitor boy. And of course, lots of old maids living with their parents waiting on jehovah.

  • integ


    1) John Worthington

    2) Robert Wenstrom

    3) Michael Lodtz

    ...all 3 have been stalking the Janesville, Wisconsin assembly hall for years...not to mention the District conventions. All to no avail.


  • pratt1

    We had a few stalker brothers in my hall, but like some of the earlier comments, they would only date young teenaged girls.

    They were convinced that only a virgin would make a good christian wife.

    Sad to say most of these guy are now divorced and their young x wives have moved on to other relationships.

  • eyeslice

    See where you are coming from. In my experience yes.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    slight hi jack

    but was it common in your cong's like mine, that about a year after a sister was married she ballooned.....

    I am married now, I can EAT!!!!

  • lawrence

    At one of the congos I went to we had a sister who would attack visiting brothers, bible studies, and relatives of meeting attendees. The assemblies were her feasting times. 3 kids from a former marriage and a mean temper - wonder if she's still looking for the perfect dub.

  • LongHairGal


    It is common for many women to gain weight after they get married. Also, men gain weight also I have noticed.

    With the women the weight gain could have several reasons namely hormones, childbearing, life style change (cooking meals for his family) just to name a few.

    It is not just as simple as saying "now I got my prize of a man so I guess I'll pig out". LOL

  • swiftbreeze

    I hated when sisters would fawn all over one man....it was like 50 or more sisters after one brother..they would really make complete fools of themselves, then when he decides on a sister to date the rest attack like dogs. they do everything in their power to undermine the relationship. I have yet to see one marriage that somebody didnt have something negative to say. unless it was two people that no one wanted.

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