Did every congregation have one or two desperate singletons?

by diamondblue1974 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • diamondblue1974

    I remember in the KH I went to there was always at least one desperate singleton who would sniff around the single women particularly the ones which were his own age...he was mid 40s I seem to believe...never had a girlfriend and would have married anybody who wouldve had him. There was no real harm in him...just lonely I expect but I think he made most women skwirm.

    What about you...did your hall have its own resident 'single sister stalker'?


  • JW83

    I think I was it, except I'm a girl!

    Seriously, I had so many great single female friends who will probably never marry (or have any sort of relationship) because of the strict guidelines. It's terrible. Not much excuse for single guys, though.

  • blondie

    Single JW guys or in other words desperados.

    A guy had to be pretty bad not to be snatched up in the WT world. He had to be totally homely, partially brain dead, or dirt poor. But some of those even found wives.

    The factor that most disqualified a man initially was his lack of income or earning ability. Sisters wanted to believe too that there was a chance that this guy would advance in the organization so they would have more status.

    Single women have no status (a little if they have a father or brother who is somebody).

    One single sister confided in me that she never wanted to submit to a husband's headship and enjoyed the relative freedom she had as a single woman.

    I was told by a sister in another circuit that there are only 2 qualifications, B and B, baptized and breathing.


  • Dismembered

    Mine did. Praise Jah for batteries


  • DanTheMan

    *AHEM*. I was a single JW bro who didn't have much success in the JW dating scene, but gawd I hope I'm not as bad as I'm being made out to be in this thread! Sheesh!

    It's not like there's *that* many good opportunities to meet single JW sisters when you're over 25 years old. The pickins get to be pretty slim.

  • diamondblue1974

    DTM...there is nothing wrong with being single and that wasnt what I meant; but I was referring to the sort of person who wouldve married anyone...and would make a play for ANY single woman...(or man for that instance as this isnt just limited to men).

    You were right to be choosy...

  • tijkmo

    i would be if i went back

  • fairchild

    The KH I went to had much, much more single women than single guys. Actually, I can't think of any single guys except for the real young ones who were still of high school age. I can think of at least 10 single women at that KH, perhaps more. One of the single women used to be married. Her husband was a devoted elder. They had two girls (who are both married to elders now). One day, when the girls were still very young (under 10), the husband/father decided that he didn't want to be a JW anymore. He left the cong. as well as his family and never came back.

    Then there's a mother and daughter, the mother was married once but divorced. her husband was never a JW. The daughter never got married.

    Other than those, most of the women never got married and want to wait until "the new system". Sigh.

    I bet if they were not JWs, they would be married by now and have a normal life.

  • tijkmo

    interesting thinking with regard to waiting until after armageddon

    the perception is that there will be more choice then

    but that is a fallicy

    there are more sisters than bros at the mo

    there will be statistically as many bros as sisters destroyed at armageddon and there will be as many boys as girls born after armageddon and there is no marriage for ressurected so chances of single sister finding a mate after armageddon are as slim as they are now

    and there is no consolation in them being perfect unless you happen to be married to them

    might aswell get some now

    if you both survive then you can attain to perfection together

    if not what have you lost

  • diamondblue1974
    interesting thinking with regard to waiting until after armageddon

    the perception is that there will be more choice then

    but that is a fallicy

    Agreed...it just another example of where the WTS encourage you to put your own life on hold to sell more books.

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