Organ Transplants

by Pleasuredome 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Pleasuredome

    you know the WTS claimed that people who had organ transplants take on traits of the donors, well maybe they were right on this one. check this out.....

  • bem

    Pleasuredome, Thanks for submitting that, My cousin just had a pancrease, liver, kidney transplant. and we have talked many times about this and how it's been for him to wait and then recieve this gift. He is still in the recovery process and really very emotional still. But he will eventually share these feelings with us I'm sure. He as well has heard about the memories of persons left in the organs.

    ~ Dorothy

  • the_classicist

    One has to love "scientific" research like this.

  • EvilForce

    There is no medically accepted truths to this theory. The AMA and JAMA does not endorse this theory. No double blind study has been done effectively to prove this either. A liver having "cellular memory" seems rather absurd IMHO.

    So you may chalk this up to other theories like this of paranormal activity, UFO's and such. No proof but lot's of people believe it anyway.

  • Dragonlady76

    I saw a show about this on Discovery Health and found it to be very interesting. My mother had a Kidney transplant about a year and a half ago, her donor was a 19 yo girl that had been in a coma for a few weeks after a horrible car wreck. Six months after my mothers transplant she told me she felt a little diffirent and some times weird, but she could not really explain why.


  • Elsewhere

    I don't buy it... not for a moment.

  • rebel8

    Me either! I think the trauma of organ transplant affects a person emotionally and mentally. That's a likelier explanation than cellular memory, IMO. Cellular memory sounds like something Steven King made up.

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