Missouri Bill HB633 - Salvia Divinorum To Be Made Controlled Substance

by FMZ 17 Replies latest members adult

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Hmmm.. I've got some salvia divinorum plants! Didn't know about this!

    You can also get some of the same effects from morning glory seeds, nutmeg, calamus, and damiana. Of course, also, the glorious magic mushrooms. There are *lots* of nice organic products that are natural and legal that give the same effects. Check em out on the net if ya wanna!


  • FMZ

    Country Girl (love the avatar by the way)... I have looked into other plants and will certainly be trying some of them once I finish my experimentation with Salvia. Mushrooms have been on my list for some time now so will certainly be growing some of them. If you happen to try any of your salvia, let me know the results :).

    Oh, and one more thing..... Nutmeg??? :O lol


  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    Did anyone try the tinture in your mouth for 30 min. and having sex after you spit it out. I'm talking enough tinture to get to no more than a level 2 or 3 on a scale of 1 to 6.

  • FMZ

    Thanks for the link Frankie :))

    I haven't tried any of the "fun" experimentation yet, just the standard "take it and see what happens" stuff. Once I get more of a feel of what is possible with them, I will definitely be trying new experiences with it ;)


  • gumby

    Well, I see it's obvious that none of you worldly, drug lovin, satan followin bastards never learned anything from the various publications that have dealt extensively with using demon inviting drugs such as this one! It plainly tells you that people use this drug to see shit, hear stuff, and find things that ain't really there! Why ain't it there and what is it you see and hear? Demons....that's what....fer christ sake!

    I'll tell you what FMZ......you twist up a couple next time we both go to an apostofest and we'll start a campfire in the room ( we can use a coleman stove for safety reasons) and we'll stare at that bastard and finally figure out what the hells lifes all about......then we'll sale the book!! That way we won't get goofy and stuff. We'll let Valis try it first and see if he survives and if he comes out of it...we'll smoke some. Deal?

    *gets all exited*


    ps....well dang.. i never heard of it.. does it have a street name?
    To be honest candynuts....I've never heard of it either ..and I'm a professional hooter smoker!
  • Eyebrow2


    Wow...hmmm...interesting, VERY interesting...

  • FMZ


    We may just have to do that, though this actual stuff probably won't do much good to chill around a fire with. It is used more for meditation, and is liable to put you flat on your back for about 10 minutes rather than have you chilled for a couple hours. But with that said... we can do the hotel room campfire thing with some regular goods :P

    We gotta hit a fest again mate... we gotta :)


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