Did you meet any con artist types there?

by LongHairGal 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • unbeliever


    My mom got in on that Noni. I still have not gotten a straight answer from her if it did anything for her or not. I tried it once and it tasted like shit. I remember she kept on telling me she could win a trip to Fiji if her name was picked from a drawing. I was like in your dreams.

  • Swan


    It sounds like she was a con and a malingerer then, out to get what she could from people. You are right. That is a much different deception because it is deliberate.

    Münchhausen's is related to OCD, and is a compulsive need to get attention for an illness. A Münchhausen's patient will go through with needless surgeries and even drink poison to further their symptoms. It is very rare and hard to diagnose. Even worse is Münchhausen's by proxy which involves another person, usually a child, having the symptoms to gain the attentions of doctors and pediatricians.

    But this person you mentioned was obviously out to get what she could from others in the congregation.


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I pulled up the pop up and they are still offering the trip.

    When I had my son in law sell the Noni juice on E Bay..he got a threatning letter to stop!

    They said it was against the law..so and so had the patent on it or some dumb threat.We were selling it too cheap they said. He laughed and deleted it!..We sold it all anyway..


  • dh

    i knew deadbeats who would move to different congregations and move into the house of different jw there, just for a free place to live, in return they would study and go to meetings, when they got on their feet they would move out and stop going to meetings, then when they were down again, they would find another person (or the same person) and move back in with them for free, and go back to meetings again. i saw a few guys like this in my life as a jw.

  • LongHairGal

    Your stories are shocking and only the tip of the iceberg!

    I believe it is true that such types are attracted to religious organizations because they think the people are suckers. But the part that is really bad among the JWs is that you are being set-up to be a sucker - even if it wasn't in your nature to be one. They urge you to let your guard down, telling you to widen out. You can have an experience that can leave you reeling! But the worst part is that nobody is accountable! You are on your own. If you went and complained to the elders you would be told that you didn't use discernment, etc. or something along these lines. And never mind that scripture about not taking your brother to court because I certainly would.

    I also learned something else about con artist and manipulative types: they will very often show hospitality to you first (an "investment" so to speak) because they figure they will get back much more from you than they put in.

  • LongHairGal

    I note that many of you are mentioning pyramid schemes even though I was not referring to them.

    But I see how they can become interrelated!

  • TadSexington

    I'm sitting here cracking up...

    I mean, all of this talk about pyramid schemes and the like, and we all forgot about the biggest one.

    The whole WTBS is a pyramid scheme..... Come on.... what other religion makes you account for the time you talk to other people about God.......? Ummmm only the ones that rely on you bringing in more and more "publishers" to bring in more and more "publishers" to peddle all of there books and such..... and with no one getting paid to move all of this product, the WTBS must be raking it in.....

    If only Wal-Mart could figure out something this good!


  • rebel8
    So, the owner, ("JP's father, who was and elder) tells my salesman friend ("D") that he will "lay him off" so that he can collect unemployment. That way, the government will pay his base salary. Of course, the layoff was fake and "D" was supposed to keep working his sales job.

    OMG, that is so similar to something that happened to me.

    A few yrs after me leaving the borg, I was hired by a small co. owned by an elder and MS jointly. They did so many dishonest things.

    The MS had started this co. because he was fired from his last job for stealing construction supplies. He was caught when his boss drove to his house and peeked in his garage windows, finding loads of stuff. The MS had said he was losing them or they had broken. (I heard this from several unrelated sources.)

    1 of our vendors had a contest going whereby anyone who sold a certain large ticket item would receive a free frozen turkey. The turkey specifically was to go to the person who sold it. I sold many and no one else in our company sold any at all. The turkeys were supposed to be delivered on a weekday. I waited and they never arrived. I called the vendor, who said, "Oh <elder> called last wk and rescheduled the delivery for Saturday. We dropped them off with your name on them." So I asked elder where they were, and he said he had a giant party for the dubs at his house and served the turkey to them. I was about to be laid off and literally would not have enough $ for food. I was counting on those turkeys. Elder just said sorry and walked away. No restitution for stealing.

    Then I got laid off. They said I should collect unemployment benefits but still report to work. I was so nieve, I did it. I told the unemployment lady about it in all innocence, and she revoked my benefits for the prior few weeks. I told this to the business owners and they still refused to reimburse me for my time.

  • Icansaylucky

    About 15 years ago I was watching the news and they were talking about a contractor that had taken an elderly partially blind lady to the cleaners by rebuilding her deck and telling her it cost X amount of money. When they showed his picture I about fell off the couch, he was an Elder in my congregation when I was a Witty. He gave her a huge bid and lied to her about the extent that her deck needed to be rebuilt. Her adult children got suspicious and investigated and found out she had given her carte blanche on her checking account since she was blind and he was a trustworthy religious man. He was arrested but I never found out what came of it.

  • Odrade

    Hey! It looks like they're back in business! The company I got suckered by the elder and his family at the tender (and might I add: extremely naive) age of 22, has now been repackaged as "Profit Masters!"

    It's the exact same marketing plan, and guess what? Same dumb-ass marketing and "personal growth" educational products as "products."


    If I weren't using Firefox, I'd put a whole row of rolling eyes and vomiting smilies.

    OOOH! But wait! It gets better! Their marketing tagline is Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing power of your mind." Yay! It has SCRIPTURES!!! It MUST be legit!!! bleh.

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