Recovery-----How Goes The Battle?

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dustin

    Purza, congrats on your wedding. Don't feel bad my parents didn't come to my wedding either. It is their loss, I just really lost a lot of closeness with them after that.

  • candidlynuts

    no elders contact me, the twice a year CO visit calls still occur although last time the elder that called said he " accidently" called my number.... (roll eyes)

    the main thing that still affects me is family pressure.. and also the damage they do to my kids . my 8 yr old , everytime i see him asks me if Jehovah is really going to kill me because i dont go to the halls. i finally had a good talk with my ex this week about reassuring my son that my life isnt in danger. of course i had to listen to the ex telling me " YOU KNOW your gonna die if you dont start going back" etc..

    so other than the death sentence hanging over my head, the intrusive calls to find out if i'm living immorally twice a year from the elders, l'm really doing ok...................honest..i'm ok.........really...........ok................. aaaaaaaaaaargh!

  • HadEnuf
    No one has called me and that's good.

    Us too minimus. It has made things so much easier. I can't imagine how hard it is for people who are still being harassed by the elders.

  • minimus

    You always wonder though, will they or won't they give you a call to "encourage" you.

  • GetBusyLiving

    For all the faders, just so you know, being disfellowshipped/disassociated is.. wonderful. Ahhhh (gotta rub it in, hehe)


  • minimus

    Everyone is feeling better. We must be doing something right.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Never felt better!

    The initial loneliness is tough. But we have gotten by that. We haven't made many new friends, but we have filled up our time with activity that is worthwhile.

    I particularly enjoy the feeling that comes when it fully settles in that you have escaped a cult!! And I never miss the weekly guilt trips!! The elders have chosen to leave us be it seems - although I could care less if they decided to expell us. No one talks to us anyway from the KH.

    Freedom is Good!!


  • xjwms

    I never felt better. Fading is fine. No one really calls. I if they do, I always say that my life is the best I ever lived.

    They don't want me back anyway.

  • Honesty

    No battle here.

    I'm free at last, free at last from one of the most destructive, dangerous and mind controlling satanic cults in the history of religion.

    Saw 2 dubs at different times yesterday. Said, "Hi" to both of them. The ex-MS said, "Hi, I'm doing fine." the MS said, " I was doing fine until you showed up here.' Just proves the 'spiritually strong ones" in the cult are worse off than the averaged 'wanna do right by God witness'.

  • GetBusyLiving

    : MS said, " I was doing fine until you showed up here.

    lol, what did you say to that Honesty?


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