Who's picketing a convention this year?

by Junction-Guy 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • carla

    That's not true that it won't do any good. I think it was Ron Rhodes & his wife who saw picketers at a convention or hall. The picketers had signs saying they should read the Bible instead of the WT. They had to admit the picketers had a point. Eventually they left and you can find many of his anti cult books all over the place. Who knows you may reach at least one person that in turn could impact many lives. You will never know. carla

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i think it does do good for people who are already having doubts, or having a hard time keeping cognitive dissonance at bay. i would love to go picket one, but not my home town (family). and my wife and i do everything together, and she is a dub, so i am not sure i could pull it off. i don't want to alienate her too much. like i say, i wish.

  • flower

    Out of curiosity, what is it we try to get out of picketing the halls and conventions? Is it to make ourselves feel better about what we lost? Less angry and cheated out of the years we spent in the cult? Revenge? What is it?

    We all know that the more people picket the more people in the cult think the 'apostates are out to get us'. We all know that picketing doesnt do a thing to make them have doubts but does a lot to solidify in their minds that what the society says is true about 'Satan being active in these last days' etc etc. We know because weve been there on the inside when the 'wackos' were out there picketing. I mean of the hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of us that have left how many have left because of some people outside an assembly picketing? I'd guess very few if any. So what is the point if its not to help those still stuck in the cult? I suspect its just to make us feel better.

    If revenge is the motive then isnt the best revenge moving on to live a fullfilled, and happy existance? If anger is the issue then a lil therapy would be so much more effective.

    If we are trying to warn people so they dont become jw's there are so many more effective ways than giving them ammo to use in the field service when they read the bible to people and say that they are persecuted just as jesus was.

    If the goal is to help people out of the cult I cant think of LESS effective way of reaching them than picketing.

    just my 2c on that subject ;)

  • tetrapod.sapien


    like was posted prior, people picket conventions to help those who only have one straw left, or are dealing with surfacing doubts to doubt even more. it's a form of public service. secondly, there is probably some therapy in it for some personality types. we're all angry, but revenge doesn't have as much to do with the *secondary* reason as does healing/helping.

    the wits are so information deprived, that the straglers may have only one opportunity to "interact" with apostates, and that may be the DC. who cares what the R&F think of us!

  • Junction-Guy

    Exactly Tetrapod, Who cares if they think we are nuts, I dont!! I no longer have to "watch how I walk, and watch how I talk" I do what I want and unlike the dubs, im not overly concerned what other people think of me. For the witnesses image was everything, and with my picketing I will bring more negative publicity than they ever imagined, all with a smile on my face-LOL

    What is it about this religion that even XJW's will still try to protect it? What do some so-called "seasoned" Apostates have against picketers?

    If it was George Bush, or Abortion these very same "Apostates" would be out in the streets rioting, but let someone picket a kingdom hall and all of a sudden protesting has become politically incorrect.

    With so many injustices this religion has perpetrated towards children it amazes me that more people arent out picketing kingdom halls, if it was the boy scouts or united way, people would be screaming for congressional hearings, but since this claims to be a so-called religion, then that makes it excusable.


  • moanzy

    If you decide to picket, just an idea, but I was thinking that it might be a good idea to have "Crisis of Concience" -Available on line or put in a www.jwd or something like that.

    People will see it and hopefully inquire about the book or check out the web.


  • DannyHaszard

    I have years of picket duty under my belt.I have had vehicles of dub dressed driver and passengersRoad Trip slow down study my sign and turn around 180 degress.

    Picketing does work i am not wasting my time i wear my CD player and put on the suntan lotion. Cool

    Why Disfellowshipped Persons Often Defend the Watchtower give this a read folks,it explains the mindset of some who are critical of anti-watchtower activist.

    I do have a good private life and a meaningful life exposing the wicked watchtower.I also have an agenda to seek monetary compensation for damages from them and then it will be party time.

    I have donated tens of thousands in cash alone and i am getting my money back,or i will give them a run for da money.

  • JW83

    Hey Danny, great article & pics. Good on you!

    I would have read the posters if there had ever been any. Since I was a child I had a curiosity about apostate literature - 'what could they possibly be saying?' I wish I had known sooner!

  • Banshee

    I distinctly remember a Special Assembly Day in Wichita, KS where some "apostates" were working the crowd when the JWs went in & came out of the building. Of course, there was a warning about it in the announcements part of the program. I remember a guy approaching my dad and I (I was about 11or 12 yrs. old then) as our family was leaving. He said something like, "You people tell others to examine & question their religious beliefs so why can't you do the same?" I remember thinking, "Yeah, why can't we examine our beliefs more?" My dad did like a good dub and tried to pretend the guy was not there but I could see that Dad was pretty disturbed by the question, too. I never forgot this incident and it was definitely something that got me to think outside the JW box.

    My point is that you never know who you might reach by asking thought-provoking questions or by holding up/wearing a thought-provoking sign. Be calm and cool,though, because JWs are quicker to blow off the people who who yell or look super-pissed. That guy got through to me because he was calm and cool and asked a valid question.

    I applaud all who have the guts & determination to witness to the Witnesses.

  • DazedAndConfused

    How about Tucson? I am willing to do it providing it is a week my parents aren't here. Maybe even with a mask. But I am willing. I even have a nice bed for you if you need one.

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