I Voted!

by the_classicist 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • the_classicist

    I voted for the first time in today's British Columbia Provincial Election. What an honour and what a priviledge to elect one's own representitive in the Legislative Assembly.

    Here's how I voted: Raj Chouhan, New Democratic Party

    Yes, on switching to BC-STV.

  • talesin

    Congrats, t_c

    That's the stuff!

    Did you get a little thrill when you marked your X for the first time? That's how I felt, kinda nervous and excited.

    Hey, maybe one day your name will be on that ballot ... ;)


  • the_classicist

    Well, I wouldn't mind running for the Bloc...

    I was nervous and excited, and so I was pretty quick at it. After I put the ballot in, I wondered if I had checked the right name (I'm forgetful), but I did.

    I'm surprised we still use the pencil to mark ballots, it more accurate than Florida though.

  • jaffacake

    I am puzzled about which Bible people are reading when they suggest that religion and politics dont mix.

    (Archbishop Desmond Tutu)

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I will be voting the same thing after work today, NDP and Yes for BC-STV

    There is no way will I vote for someone that wants to get rid of my job.

    I hear that the BC-STV won't pass because that is too bad. I think it would give us better representation.


  • benito

    There will be regional elections in one month and that will be the third time in my life that I vote. Now, after leaving the troof, I consider like a privilege to vote. My family, who never were witnesses, don´t appreciate that, sometimes they don´t go to vote. But for me, who couldn´t exercise this right all these years, it´s something that I´m very proud to be able to do it.

  • jschwehm

    For the first time in my life I actually assist with two campaigns last year. It was very interesting and quite fun. I am planning on volunteering for one of the guys running for Governor next year but I have not made up my mind which campaign to volunteer for.

    Jeff Schwehm


  • JAVA

    Good for you, and unlike the United States, may all your votes count!

    I voted for the first time over 20 years ago, and have not missed voting since then. You now have the right to gripe if a politician isn't doing their job!

  • talesin


    The Bloc, hey? *raises eyebrow* j/k lol

    Well, you have the basic tools. You are smart, would like to see some change, and not afraid to speak your mind. Go for it! You may want to start off easy, get a seat on Council, next step is MLA, then on to Ottawa!

    I have a friend who is an MP, just a regular "Joe". Another bud is an MLA here. It can be done. And you can make a difference.

    By the way, did you hear today's big news???

    Belinda Stronach has crossed the floor, and is now a LIBERAL Cabinet Minister!!!

    Go where the power is, I guess. Yah, she really has principles ...


  • kls

    It's a great feeling ain't it . I voted in our last election and was scared to death but i did it and after i was so proud of myself for doing it. It was another hurdle over coming the control of the wt.

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