I just talked to my mom about my sexual abuse.

by kwintestal 24 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • kwintestal

    I have been having a really crappy day (except for the 2 hours I had coffee and chat with Talesin ) and figured, heck, my day can't get worse. I mean this day was awful! Anyway, I decided to call my mom and dad to talk about me pressing charges and get info on the abuser.

    I can't believe how understanding and co-operative they were. I was really shocked.

    My mom did say, "I bet you don't think we handled it correctly." to which I responded that I'm sure she handled it they way they were instructed to handle it, and how the elders that were brought in weren't trained in the matter and therefore didn't know how to properly discuss the issue with a 12 yr. old.

    I was shaking the whole time, but was relieved when she said I should have done it a long time ago since it has been bugging me.


  • kwintestal

    BTW, I didn't say anything about my protest/picketing so shhhh!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Sounds like you just successful made it over a BIG hurdle. Congrats.... I hope all goes well with your efforts....

  • Joyzabel

    wow, good for you, Kwin.

    What a major thing you did for yourself today.

  • kls

    Good for you Kwin facing the hurt is all about healing.

  • stillajwexelder

    Hey your bravery is awesome - well done

  • talesin

    Kwin, hey, you did it. Okay, you my hero!

    Deep breaths, take a walk in the rain ... the shakes are from adrenalin, to be expected.

    Love to all, don't forget you or H2H can anytime,



  • Bryan

    Great to hear kwin.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Adonis

    I am right there with you kwin. It is a very dificult road to travel. I thank God that my wife is here with me every step. However, we here are for you as well. Taking the first step is the hardest. But once you start down the road, you will start to feel that you are finaly in control. You will see what happened to you with a clear mind. And you will finaly be able to look him/her in the face and spit in it.


    You done good Kwin ... I'm sooooo proud of you!!!

    Love and light


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