What is you favorite all time movie scene [s]?

by AK - Jeff 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    GOODFELLAS----Joe Pesci---"What? Am I hear to amuse you? What's so funny about me?"

  • talesin

    My whole post just disappeared ...

    Braveheart, when the Scots mooned the english.

    Costner's "American Way" speech in Bull Durham.

    In 48 Hours, Alex & Serge at the gallery,

    A: How much does it cost.

    S: $60,000

    A: Get the fcuk outta here!

    S: No, really! (shaking head, chin resting on fist w/pinkie extended)

    And when Alex goes to the country club looking for Victor, omg, that is too funny! That flick is priceless ,,, Judg Reinhold is the best ... lmao

    And my favorite movie, tied w/SW, Farewell to the King, " Life, English! " (final scene)


  • claytoncapeletti

    1) " Luke, I am your father. Noooooooooo !!!!!

    2) Will Ferrell- " Were streaking, come on everyone, were going streaking. You, bring your pink hat"

    3) Doc Holiday in Tombstone " Why Ike, does this mean were not friends anymore"

    4) Yoda kicking ass in Attack of the clones

    5) Every part of Tommy Boy and Anchorman


    "Brothers dont shake hands, brothers got to hug"

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