Anyone know about the martial arts?

by pennycandy 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronGland

    This move usually works.

  • SixofNine

    Gotta admit, it would be nice to be able to handle things the way this older man handles the three younger guys:

  • RichieRich

    I study YAWARA. Its Fillipino and teaches the use of blunt impact weapons to force the opponent into submission. While I respect the other arts, especially the Brazilian's, I think if he is getting picked on NOW then he needs to know how to deal with it NOW. A comrehensive study will take too long for him to be able to actually defend himself. Try to find a Martial Arts school that just teaches a self defense class. The belt is not important. And if he learns the IMPORTANT stuff first (ie more than stances and posotioning) he will be better adaept to denfend himself. I am a high school student and I of considerable size... I use my Yawara training to stop aggressors instead of causing GREAT physical harm (which I can do too).

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Can I throw my two cents into the mix?

    Your boy wants something that he can use to defend himself right away.

    At the same time, we both hope he's not involved in any confrontations with battlefield lethality - it would be inappropriate to teach a kid how to break another kid's neck, for example.

    Boxing is a great choice. One reason for this is that he will get hit during his practice - something that is usually reserved for "advanced" students of traditional martial arts - and he will learn, much to his surprise, that he can survive being hit. This is a good thing to know. Check out BALAZS BOXING ONLINE for some videos.

    Wrestling is another good choice. It is not without good reason that it is said that most fights end up on the ground. Everyone is into Brazilian Jui Jitsu today, but there are other options. MATT FUREY is the only american to win a chinese wrestling competition. They play rough, especially with "round eyes." Matt has some videotapes on self defense and wrestling tricks, and regardless of what other things you do, get the boy started on matt's COMBAT CONDITIONING program.

    As Witnesses, we were conditioned to deny our "little animals" - our bodies - and that is a MAJOR error. Encourage your kid to be physically fit and active, challenging himself, and when he is 50 and his friends are dying off, he will thank you for the love you showed him.

    One last thing - if you want a program that is fast to learn, check out Paul Vunak's STREETSAFE videos from TRS. There are 3 in the series.

    I've studied aikido, kali, togakure-ryu ninpo and other stuff. I'm not going to tell you I'm an expert in any of them, because I'm not. One thing that many aikidoka forget is that Uyeshiba (the founder of Aikido) only created aikido after he had mastered the traditional arts of his time. O sensei had BATTLEFIELD EXPERIENCE and in his youth was a powerful man. People see the photos of the elderly O sensei and think he was always old weak and frail. Not so. Personally, I don't have time for "thirty year techniques."

    If your kid is going to be in a fight tomorrow, you don't have time to teach him to master the foward roll or suwari waza.

    Good luck!

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Penny, many have said that the fight usually ends up on the ground. Like the ultimate fighting crap on tv. Thats true when you are playing by the same rules. When your fighting to defend yourself from bodily harm or worse, the only one that should end up on the ground is your opponent. If your child is taught well he should be able to accomplish this swift and with as much damage to his opponent as his opponent wishes to take. Sometimes just a little jab to the nose will get the point across. I tell my children that the sooner you establish to the bullies as well as the spectators that your not going to be a soft target the better.

  • ColdRedRain

    BTW, look out for "Belt Factories", "McDojos/McDojangs" and "Bullshdo" studios.

    Look out for studios that have contracts. (If your studio is allied with a fitness club that requires a contract anyways, then this may not apply)

    Look out for "blackbelt within a year" promises.

    Look out for children acheiving high color belts. Also, look out for these signs.

    # The master claims to be 18th degree

    # Dozen or more belts with stripes in the middle of them hanging on walls

    # Students wearing colorful uniforms

    # You are promised a black belts in 1 to 2 years

    # You have to test for your next belt every month

    # You have to buy expensive gear

    # Lots of talking with little or no sparring in a class

    # Overemphasis on tournaments

    # Building false self confidence

    # Black belt contracts

    # Sloppy techniques

    # No teaching of history or philosophy

    And some martial arts studios are cultic.

    Look out for these signs. Come to think about it, I may be in a McDojang.

  • blondie

    Marital arts = martial arts?

  • Check_Your_Premises
    Marital arts = martial arts?


  • freedom96

    I have taken martial arts for 16 years, and I highly recommend it.

    It will teach self esteem, self defense, and respect.

    Check out the instructor in advance, make sure he has a good kid class. It is nothing like the WTS would have liked us to believe. It is nothing but positive.

    I have taught my kids to never start a fight, but they have my permission to end it. After a while of regularly training, your child will be able to do just that. The bully picks on them, and it is finished. If done right, your child won't have another problem.

    Absolutely go for it!!

  • barry

    We had a problem with my boy getting bullied and sent him off to do karate. He didnt like it much so we just bougt a punching bag to learn to punch hard. A few incidents later has proven to us he can hold his own now. Just teach him to punch hard alll that tecknical stuff is not necessary unless e is realy interested.

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