The Witness Cult

by kingdoman 58 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kingdoman

    You know what I believe, so why ask?

  • barry

    Gday Kingdoman,

    I would like to comment on some important isues on that link.

    In debateing SDA theology it should be said from the outset the SDA church is not unified on some important issues and from the link you gave this factor is not made clear.

    Christ had a sinful human nature. This is a herecy and is not taught by the SDA church. A large porton of the church beleives it, they are called by various names CBs or Concerned bretherine or conservatives and sometimes they are called catholic adventists because of there theology. The theology that goes with Christ haveing a sinful human nature is far reaching and as a kid I have memories of divided churches and vigorous arguements that revolved around the same arguements of the reformation.

    The investigative Judgement. Again is a herecy and is beleived by most of the church in a watered down version by most. This is the doctrine invented to explain 1844 but many of us reject it totally. Our theologins dont beleive this doctrine and never write in its support in the general christian community which shows where they stand.

    Lastly when Barnhouse and Martin studied SDAism in the late 50s they determined SDA is a christian demomination with some hererodox beleifs not a cult.

    Personally I beleive SDA as do most religions have some cultic doctrine humans just cant help themselves they have to be one better than the next person.

  • barry

    The founder of the JWs pastor Russell had contact with second Adventists. These were Adventists who made further dates for the second comming such as 1875. Many of their idears were copied by Russsell.

  • kingdoman

    So what you are saying is that there are two different types of SDA:? and that the one believe everything that for e.g. baptists believe?

  • stevenyc


    'You know what I believe so why ask?'

    I ask because I don't know anything about you. There are many people who talk about discovering God, the universe, themselves etc. Sometimes they're the same, sometimes they're different. I'm trying to understand what your feeling of God is. Do you have a personal feeling or emotion which makes you believe in God, know God is there, or do you believe in God because a Roman ruler put together a bunch of texts to control an ever expanding populus of different beliefs?

    This is not a provercation, just wanted to know where your statements and feelings are coming from as they appear to me to be very strong. If they are too provocative for you, thats OK, please don't feel compeled to reply.


    ps welcome to the board.

  • kingdoman

    I believe through personal experience. Before I was a man that was hurt by the church. I blamed the whole church, now I know that the things that happened are not because of God but because of human error. God took me and my wife out of a place where we had no where to turn and made us into people that are able to lead normal lifes. He supplied us with money when there was none, my wife was barren and now is healed, he took alot of the rage I had and replaced it with calm (although I must admit that he is still working on this part of my life). Through his stripes I am saved and it was all God

  • hmike
    I blamed the whole church, now I know that the things that happened are not because of God but because of human error.

    You came to understand something that many people never get over: blaming God for pain caused by people and their organizations. Recognizing this and getting to where you can forgive the offenders is the road to healing.

  • trevor


    According to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, all non- Jehovah Witnesses will be destroyed at Armageddon, a time said to be coming soon.

    Thanks for the warning - I will increase my life insurance payments in case they are right and try to consume more alcohol while there is yet still time.

  • kingdoman
    You came to understand something that many people never get over: blaming God for pain caused by people and their organizations. Recognizing this and getting to where you can forgive the offenders is the road to healing.

    You would not believe the amounts of error Christian churchs teach. I was once sitting at a Anglican Bible study and heard the minister wish bad things to happen to all non believers, in my opinion that is a curse and make us no different to the JW's. I do believe however that their doctrine as the church elders write it down is correct. God has lead me all over that place, I joined the Methodists and found fault in their ideas (Prayer books) I joined the Anglicans and they don?t believe in healing, and the gifts of the spirit, healing ect. I finally have joined a church that I think I can call home, but even then I find error. This though as God keeps telling me is not caused by God but by human error.
    After saying this I am not grouping JW's and other denominations in the same category, as churchs I attend are with fault but they believe in the fundamentals of Christianity, where as the JW's are a deliberate twisted version of what Christianity is all about.

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