My mom and her Ministry School talks

by Mamacat 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mamacat

    I get so frustrated with my mom sometimes. Even when I was a kid, she'd get me to help her with her talks. My mom is intelligent, but she has a hard time getting her thoughts organized and on paper, so she always asked for my help.

    Even now, she asks me to read over them and help her make her words clearer. I haven't stepped foot in a KH in almost 10 years! She has a talk tomorrow about Jesus' return and how it is spiritual instead of literal.

    She emailed what she had written to me Monday, and it's been a busy week for me. My husband went on a business trip this week, and I planned things to do each day to keep me and my youngest son occupied. Plus, I don't usually have a car to use during the day because we only have one right now, so we've been on the go.

    I totally forgot about looking over the talk, which I never said I would do...she just assumed I would since I always do. She left me several phone and email messages about it today, knowing damn well we were at a birthday party for a friends' son.

    So, what did I do? I couldn't help it...I felt guilty. I called her and spent over an hour on the phone with her going over it and cleaning it up for her. I really don't want to do this for her anymore! I just can't seem to tell her no. She knew I was busy all week, and I thought she'd get the hint.

    I just wondered if anyone else gets roped into doing things like this. I love to write, and I always liked the school, but enough is enough! I am afraid if I told her no directly, it would hurt her feelings. I love my mom...I just don't like her religion.

  • Quotes

    IMO you have two choices:

    (1) Tell your Mom, politely but firmly, that you don't want to do this anymore. It is supposed to be a "Ministry SCHOOL" and you're Mom can't learn if you keep doing her homework. If she can't do her own homework, then she should drop out of the school.

    (2) Use next assignment to gently, subtley sneak in some "apostate" teaching into the talk. She won't be asked to do any more talks, or perhaps they will interrogate her and then tell her she must never have you help again. Problem solved, Q.E.D.

    ~Quotes, of the "black propaganda" class

  • bikerchic
    2) Use next assignment to gently, subtley sneak in some "apostate" teaching into the talk. She won't be asked to do any more talks, or perhaps they will interrogate her and then tell her she must never have you help again. Problem solved, Q.E.D.

    That should do it!

    LMAO! That is so totally what I would do.........he,hee


  • blondie

    Ten years?!

    Come on, isn't she close enough to a sister in her congregation to ask her to help her. Is your mom embarrassed to ask another sister? Or is this her way to keep some scriptural contact with you. You know the WTS periodically gives suggestions to ask non-JW family members to help with the JW's talk on the school as a springboard of having them come back.

    Do you think she is doing this?

    Just tell her that you have been away too long to help her and suggest she contact someone in her congregation to help her. Then be firm but kind. Don't accept any excuse. Tell her that the brothers would want her to do that. If she doesn't know anyone, the school overseer can help her. Then just ignore the parts of the email regarding her talks. Discuss something else, but ignore that.

    I had that problem when I was going to meetings, sisters wanting me to write their talk for them. I kept telling them that it had to be in their own voice, and if I did it for them, it would just sound like they were reading my words.

    So, mamacat, looks like you have to be firm but kind.

    Love, Blondie

  • david_10

    Hi Mamacat. The first thing I thought of was.......................and Blondie beat me to it. Yes, I think she's witnessing to you, and maybe even counting a little time on it.

    But I'm going to go against the grain here and suggest that you humor her and go along with it. I think you're lucky that she even talks to you. It's no secret that the Society is putting tremendous pressure on the faithful to stop all association with anybody who has disassociated themselves, even if they are only inactive. This includes family members. This includes you. So I'm thinking that maybe you should count it as a blessing, regard it as a minor inconvenience, and hope it keeps up. Take care and good luck.


  • tijkmo

    or just do it

    you would help your kids prepare a school assignment...or your husb prepare a work one..if a friend from a different religion or belief system asked you to help format something then you would- even if they all were discussing things that you had no interest in..

    how often does she have a talk..1 per 4/5/6 months...and you spend an hour helping her

    you probably spent that telling us about it

    just be glad she still associates to some degree and sure she maybe hopes it will have a positive effect on you but so what...plenty people here get shunned by their families and they would dearly love to be in your situ

    sup to you...but i would do it

    tijkmo of the happy are the peacemakers class

  • vitty

    I ended up helping a friend the other day with her talk, but she doesnt know I dont go anymore. I just laughed.

    Is it just cos its a JW thing or would you not want to do it if she was doing an assigment for work.

    I say dont be mean, how often does she get them, and whats an hour helping your mum. I would be terrible hurt if my daughter refused me help, if she could, think of all the times shes helped you.

    Dont take offense, im just putting a mothers view on it.

    Oh and by the way, I suppose it will make a difference if you have a good or bad relationship.

  • Honesty
    She has a talk tomorrow about Jesus' return and how it is spiritual instead of literal.

    So, what date is she going to use to 'prove' Jesus' return was spiritual?

    If she has more contact than TMS talks I would 'ease out' of getting her talks up very gradually. A few scriptures that disprove the WTS doctrine also may be included in her talks if you can sneak them by her.

  • TheListener

    Ok I would help but only use information from the WTS prior to 1950. That way it's technically correct but still wrong.

  • Mamacat

    Thanks for the ideas/feedback everyone.

    I do help with my mom with tons of other things. I help her with computer programs, and I help her write an email or letter when it needs to be formal, and researching products, etc. She always asks me for my help, and I usually don't mind helping her..I just can't seem to ever tell her no. I'd say she has a talk about every 4 months. It really isn't a lot of time...I think I was just frustrated because this week has been busy and hectic for me, and I thought she'd get the hint. She is retired, and I know she has more time than I do...I have 3 kids and one on the way, and she just has my dad to look after.

    I was never baptized, and my mom has never shunned me or anything like that. I am an only child, and I don't speak out against the JW's to her. I respect that she has a faith, and it seems she respects that I don't. She used to try to preach to me, and I told her to lighten it up. If I have a question, and I want to know what she thinks, or what the bible says, I will ask her. We have a pretty good relationship, I think.

    I remember once when I was a teenager, she had a busy week at work and a talk to do. She wanted me to write an outline for her, and I told her I couldn't do it because that would be the same as writing the whole thing for her. She was a bit upset with me about it too. Now, she writes it, and I just rearrange things to make more sense.

    Oh, and as far as a date about Christ's return, there was nothing like that mentioned. It was a little funny because she was talking about how Christ's second return would not be in the flesh, like some other religions believe. I asked her if other religions really believe Jesus is going to come back to earth and walk among us, and which religions those were. Then, I guess she started thinking about it, and she said "I don't know what other religions believe about it."

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