microphones were the last straw

by ivy 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChrisVance

    If I remember right 1989 was the year only elders and their families could go to Poland. I was a lowly MS so we couldn't go.

  • tijkmo

    squinks...pm-ed ya

  • bikerchic

    The last straw for me was after months of discussing a situation with an Elder where it was pretty sure that the Elders wife who slept with my husband got off without any punishment for fooling around with yet another brother who got Publicly Reproved.

    This Elder was trying to convince me that the Elders had done everything to set things straight yet we both knew without doubt that she hadn't even so much as had a JC for her latest indiscretion and after all as he said he was "only one man and couldn't go up against the body of Elders" I said they were corrupt, he got pissy!

    Low and behold out comes a fantastic Blotchtower study article which he and I discussed at length and it said that if you knew of wrongdoing you should go to the Body of Elders and let them settle the matter with the wrongdoer. I pointed this out to him and requested that he revisit the situation in his Congregation with the "ho" Elders wife.............he told me "what you see in the Blotchtower and what actually goes on with the Elder Body is two different things!!!!!" Yeah go figure! So now we aren't to listen to the FDS unless it serves us to do so, heaven forbid one man should point out that the Body of Elders are corrupt!!!!

    That was IT for me! I told him they were corrupt and I wanted nothing more to do with the whole organization and never went back. The Memorial was a week or two later and I didn't attend it or any meetings after that. Several months later I left my now X husband and the rest is history!


  • Dismembered


    Just because you were away all those years (which was a good thing), there's still no role for sisters doing things like handeling mikes, etc. That is rocket science and you as a woman just would not fit the bill.

    Teaching postions are for the men. Women (as it has been so sounded down) are the weaker vessel. Did you forget that? Nice huh?


    "Gimme back my hat, ya punk"

  • tetrapod.sapien

    the last straw for me was actually witnessing cognitive dissonance taking place in my friend's minds. once i learned about the theory, i could see it all around me in the hall and talking with friends. it was a sureal last straw.

  • ivy

    The term cognitive dissonance was familiar, but I had to look it up. So relevent, to me personally and the whole JW institution. Now I'll have to learn more about it. Thanks for adding to my ever increasing reading list tetrapod.

    My early childhood JW education and feminist college education are in constant combat.

    Facial hair and adultery seem to be common themes here. Is that beard thing arbitrary, or is there a scriptual reason for it? Is it true world wide? At least you guys got to handle the mics, although I'm sure I would have done a better job.

    It seems that elders are completly incabable of handling a situation of adultery with any compassion or even intellegence. I remember my mother went to the elders with suspicions that my father was having an affair, which he was, but that didn't come out until much later. It's true that she had no proof, but they actually suggested that she was accusing him because she had a guilty conscience. My mother is the closest thing to a perfect JW I have ever met. She went to them for guidence and they accused her. Wish she had the good sense to be "stumbled" by that.

  • Honesty

    Being affected with cognitive dissonance helped me see the lies but realising the petty rules and regulations that went beyond the scriptures was the last straw. The WT freak show is so messed up about women that no wonder the sisters were always moody and unhappy. Females can't pray at the meetings. BS!!! That is so unscriptural. Look in the book of Acts. They couldn't lead in anything spiritual. BS!! Pharoah had no sooner been destroyed by God in the Red Sea when Miriam led the music worship for God's people. I meet for prayer every Friday morning at my Christian church home and the ladies always lead the prayer group because they are so much better qualified in knowing who is sick, has had surgery, new babies, etc. And they don't have to wear a funky looking scarf over their hair. We recently had a Christian sister from Jews for Jesus preside over our congregation Seder Supper because she was better qualified than any man there. I am so thankful to Jesus for getting me out of slavery to the WT religion before I went totally nuts listening to their apostate teachings.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    One thing that this thread makes clear is the IMPORTANCE of "last straws."

    Without them, where would we be?

    We'd be raising our hands during the Watchtower study, that's where we'd be!

    I therefore propose that each member of the worldwide apostate community set aside a moment of joyous contemplation to celebrate "the last straw." If possible, celebrate with fellow members of our worldwide community, either in person at an apostafest or virtually over the 'net. Even an observation in solitude will be beneficial.

    To last straws!

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    The low quality of the assembly talks and the magazines made me think twice.

    And the hilarious paintings and drawings in the litterature as well..

  • Preston

    On my last meeting ever, I remember sitting in the audience, by myself at the beginning of the service meeting wondering why they were laughing at the speaker's stupid jokes. This...this....simple act of kiss-assity motivated me to get up and never go back...ever again.

    - Preston

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