God Loves You

by GetBusyLiving 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    Sorry you have to feel what you must be feeling right now. Condolences...

  • Undecided

    Sorry that your Grandmother died. When I look back on the death of my Grandparents I must have been indoctrinated so much by the JWs it really didn't matter to me. I was at the house where my Mother's dad died and it really didn't effect me much, also the same with my dad's mother. I was at work when my dad's father died and I didn't even get off early. It's only been since I left the JWs that the death of friends has affected me. I hate it now and miss them so much.

    Ken P.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Thanks for all the comments you guys. I was feeling really numb and blurry when I wrote this post, I kind of regretted writing it the way I had.

    I want to say that I am sorry for taking pot shots at the Christians on this board in the past. All of you guys are better examples of Christians than any dubs I've ever met. I am so angry and betrayed by the Bible. It just feel like since I left the witnesses my spirtuality has been torn to shreads. I've become obsessed with looking into the Bible, evolution, disecting everything so much that I am left with nothing. My nan was a Christian. I'm going to be a pallbearer at her funeral in a Christian church, and I've never been in one before. I've felt like such a phony for so many years in the dubs and now I have to be involved in more Christian stuff. I wish I could believe in something, but now I don't believe in anything, no magic, nothing at all anymore. Im going to have to be strong for my family and nod my head when they talk about Jesus. It feels like I'm losing my heart.

    Im not looking for sympathy at all you guys, Im serious. Its just this board has become something that I love and respect and spilling things on here works for me.

  • GetBusyLiving

    BTW I apprieciate the posts you've made James, its all good Ross.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Sorry for your loss, GBL.

    I wish there was something I could say to make it better, but I don't have the words.


  • AuntieJane

    GBL, sympathies to you. I wish you well on your travels to and from. Might I suggest that when you return you locate a small NON fundy type church and visit with the minister? I think most ministers would be open to hearing your story and you would find much comfort in the talk. Please consider it.



  • MerryMagdalene

    ((((())))) My thoughts are with you, GBL...


  • Banshee

    So sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing, GBL. I am very close to my maternal grandmother, who is 97 years old now. I know I will be hurting and very sad when she is gone. My sincere sympathies for your loss.

  • purplesofa

    Just read this post........GBL (((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))


  • Es

    my condolences :( es

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