My kid looks so Witnessy.

by Nancy Drake 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    I can't help but think that my son looks like a little JW in this outfit. Maybe this halloween he can go as one!

    This picture was taken yesterday. My son got to get dressed up to go to a play with his class. He refers to this outfit as "his handsome clothes."

  • hillbilly

    Nancy....... I know he's little but some day he will be in the job market. Trust me on this... if he wants and likes to "look good" now he will have a leg up later on.

    You would be suprised at the number of grown men and women who have NO clue how to dress for work nowdays. Shirt Collars and waist bands "irratate" them...Poor Babies. It must be a shock to all these kids (for the last 20 years now) who grew up in soft sweats, Tshirst, sneakers etc., to learn how to wear hard shoes or workboots, long pants in the heat or a shirt with buttons...skirts, blouses, suits hoisery etc.

    "Witnessy" is what all ladies and gentlemen dressed like 40 years ago. Back in the day just about anyone of any station was rarely seen in public without a tie or coat of some sort. Industrial plants still have locker rooms from this era......... workers arrived and left "dressed" and changed into work clothes for the day's labor.

    Just my .02. Enjoy your kids..mine's 18 and that only took a minute to get that way.


  • LittleToe

    He's a good looking kid

    Wise words.
    In Britain you're expected to dress right, for an interview, and in most professions there's a dress code, too.

    I don't have to wear a tie, but it sets the right impression, and so I do. For that reason I get respect above my "station" at work.

    It doesn't hurt to dress nice
    At least being a JW allowed me to be taught to tie a tie

  • tijkmo

    i rarely get dressed up now...its the only thing i miss about meetings...i have lots of suits and all manner of combinations of shirts and ties and dress shoes...and dont forget socks..they must not be worn just to cover feet...they must match and enhance the outfit

    ...remember the sex and the city quote when one girl was being pursued by a diplomat...she wasnt that interested but admitted to least you're persistant - you're like a jehovahs witness in a good suit

    i dont look witnessy in a suit...i just look good

    (as does your wee boy)

  • Sunspot

    What a GREAT looking kid! You must be so proud of him!

    I have a pic somewhere that has my kids on Easter at my parent's house.....taken in 1965. It sure looked like a shadow of things to come as far as outfits go!

    I remember my Mom would get all dressed up-hat, gloves, etc---to go "downtown" shopping. Everyone did that. My father wore a suit and a hat to work---a hat---not a cap. It was during the "Cleaver" era, LOL!

    I never saw my Mother in (gasp) slacks until the late 1970's.

    Annie...............who's "Sunday Go To Meeting" clothes have dust and cobwebs on them.

  • Markfromcali

    Nah, he's enjoying himself way too much to look Witnessey.

    Some ex's who by their own admission still have some issues with the Witnesses can have tattoos and piercings, but there is still that Witness vibe in the way they carry themselves. What you wear is much easier to change than that kind of Leave it to Beaver thing. (no offense to Leave it to Beaver fans)

  • SixofNine

    (square comment expressing my own agenda on fashion pounded into round topic started by Nancy)

    ;-) Handsome lad there Nancy.

  • gumby
    gumby time you get pics of your kid in a suit and you don't him lookin like a dub......get one of those vests with a marijuana leaf embroided on it or one that say's AC/DC or sumthin. Also, a fake tattoo on his arm would help

    Cute kid btw


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Nancy, he looks much too happy for a JW kid that would be getting ready to go to the meeting

  • xjwms

    But, ... Of course he is good looking kid ...

    After all he is from Wisconsin

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