How do you feel about elders DF'g a child of 13 or 14 for being a willing v

by frankiespeakin 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • love11

    It's emotional abandonment!

    And it's teaching the child that they are the ones that are sexually sick. They will have years of repercussions from this. Sad.

  • diamondblue1974

    I have heard it all now....

    'made him fornicate'!!!

    Child Abuse is Child doesnt matter how well developed a child is or how sexually aware they are; Its the contrary attitude which penalises victims and forces them ever into the underground....with respect what were you thinking?


  • misspeaches

    First of FrankieSpeakin - I am sorry to hijack your thread for a brief moment.

    JWBen is adamant that the age of consent laws in SA are 12/13.

    This is not the case at all and in fact the Australian Government goes to great lengths to protect the innoncence of our children.

    JWBen - When I initially read your post I did look up information to ensure that I my facts correct.

    I refer you to the following link which disucces the reasons why we have an age of consent here and what it is.$FILE/bf21-1997.pdf

    Initially I suggest you see point 3.0 section 2 where it states the age of consent for the focus of this article refers to: the age from which a person may lawfully consent to having sexual intercourse.

    Under that same point it then has a table outlining the ages of consent for each state and territory. SA is 16/17.

    I think you will find that under the law it 16/17 and nothing earlier.

    Once again FS, sorry to hijack.

    Miss Peaches

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