How do you feel about elders DF'g a child of 13 or 14 for being a willing v

by frankiespeakin 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Good parenting is key when it comes to issues dealing with minors.

    Many JWs have horrible parenting skills, and then of course the outcome is blamed in the religion. Sad.


  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    I am with Vitty. A child cannot consent to sex with an adult ... period. The grown-up is the one that should be penalized - by a judge in a court of law not a judicail committee in a kangaroo court.

    As for doubtfully feeling sorry for the blemishes on the 'religion'; I could personally care less about how a religious organization looks in the eyes of the public. I have much more compassion for how minor children are victimized and mistreated in the name of 'religion'.

  • frankiespeakin

    Elders that handled the case were too legalistic. They gave no serious thought to how love needs to be shown to someone that has been tramatized,,instead they heaped on more trauma. Teenagers have the highest suicide rates isn't that true? And here you have a teenager that was abused by a ministerial servant who was a close friend of the family. Instead of mercy on this poor child they slapped her with DF'g,,that is totally devoid of love and pure legalism at its ugliest.

  • purplesofa

    how is a child a willing victim of abuse?

  • freedom96

    The WTS needs to quit worrying about how and who to df and get with helping people.

  • frankiespeakin


    I worded it that way,,because the only reason they DF is if they did a sin willfully. So I concluded from the fact that they DF'd her they must have judged her as a willful participant. The elder would view it willful if she didn't resist properly like the screaming issue in a rape case that elders use to judge wether or not it was a rape.

  • luna2
    she was disfellowshipped recently for throwing herself continuously at a certain young brother until she made him fornicate with her.

    Sorry, Doubtfully, but that's just....wrong. Did she hold a gun to his head? Did she slip something into his Koolaid? Perhaps she used her super powers and took control of his brain. Dang!

    I'm in agreement with whoever said that children shouldn't be baptized in the first place....Not that I think anybody benefits from disfellowshipping and shunning, but kids are traumatized even more than adults by it.

    Kind of sounds like this young lady is either regreting her baptism or never truly understood what she was getting into.

    As for the "willing victim of child abuse" that's a bunch of bullsh*t and I have very violent feelings towards anybody who would spew out such nonsense.

  • AlanF

    I wish that some prominent journalist would get indignant and publish the story around the world as an example of a cult run wild. I mean, here you have a situation where a dumb kid does something rather stupid, and can suffer the indignity and family loss due to DF'ing the entire rest of her life. That's grossly wrong.


  • avishai
    Yes, she was disfellowshipped recently for throwing herself continuously at a certain young brother until she made him fornicate with her. Good thing that he was disfellowshipped also

    Luna, you beat me too it.

    See, this is the typical dub mentality. The girl "made" me do it. I've seen girls df'd at 13-14 while the 35 yr. old that slept with her was privately reproved. Sick.

  • Poztate
    No way. Shouldn't baptise 14 year olds - shouldn't disfellowship them either. More cult behaviour.

    This is the real argument. There is no way that CHILDREN should be baptised.My thought is if you are not old enough to say NO and quit going to meetings then you are not old enough to say yes and get baptised.The WT encourages early baptism with the only purpose being to put you under their control..FOR LIFE. To be encouraged to be baptised by Elders or family before you are an adult is wrong...wrong..wrong.

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