Bloody disgraceful behaviour of JWs!!!!

by Gill 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    Ever known anyone to take a dump in a hotel room dresser drawer? Hang naked from a speaker in a conservative local pub? Throw a drunken friend through a BBQ? To scream, "NICE T*TS" at a lesbian and her girlfriend standing TWO FEET AWAY? Ever seen anyone throw a beer bottle at the back of somebody's head in a theater then rip out of there like a jackass coward? These are the youth of the Jehovah's Witness movement.

    LOL, okay thats a generalization but there is a noticable difference between dubs letting loose and having fun and regular humans having a good time. They perceive the world as this evil (albeit, FUN) place where anything goes. When they let things slide, its a group of social misfits. It's like they lose their minds.


  • heathen

    I think the only difference between their behavior and everybody elses is that they condemn their behavior and the world behavior every sunday, tuesday and thursday . Then they claim to have better morals than anybody else when it's so friggen obvious to everybody else they are full of shit . They chase skirts , drink , lie , cheat , steal are even homosexuals but by God the world is going to die over these things ................ Friggen hypocrites .................

  • Honesty

    I knew quite a few nice dubs... until I accepted Christ into my heart and left the cult.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    Perhaps you must go to the KH to meet the nice JWs. There are many nice, law abiding, devout and sincere to their beliefs JWs.

    Too bad you've only been exposed to the ones that give the religion a terrible name.


  • Gill

    Hi DY and All!

    I was a JW for near enough forty years. I've been spending the last couple of hours trying to remember really nice JWs. As you can imagine I've met and know quite a few. I've come up with about 7 so far! No, sorry 8. I've just remembered a really nice lady.

    I don't for one minute doubt the rest of the world behaves badly but they're not claiming that the rest of us are going to die soon at Armageddon.. so there's a difference.

    And another thing, they're not sleeping with my son, and then going out on the Misery and Meetings and things....

    I actually like this young FT Pioneer very much. But her family......I don't think so! Her sister comes round to my house with her. The sister is married by the way. They rush up to my son's bedroom while he is still in bed with not a hello or by or leave. They stay with him while he's getting dressed, giggling and screeching like demented cats on speed. ENOUGH!!!!

    Son has been warned. I said to him , 'Why can't you get a nice worldly girl!'

    I never thought I'd hear myself say those words.

    My sister is also now an ex JW. I have been told by my children they are also embarrassed by her behaviour when she goes out! She seems to forget to put her clothes on and then acts like she's been drinking for hours and she doesn't even drink!!!!! What's with these people!!!!!!!

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I know quite a few JWs that, regardless of their religion, they would be odd people due to their strange behavior anyway anywhere.


  • heathen

    LMAO --- Get a nice worldly girl . Yah the j-dubs would never say such a thing . You might as well say go to the red light district and find somebody ...................

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