Mary Magdelene...

by nicholas 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • MerryMagdalene
  • nicholas

    Thank-you kindly,

    I'm not sure why that would be erased from the doctrine of Christianity... it's in accordance to various scriptures. Mary, in the Spirit, simply puts it in a perspective which, if you're not in accordance with Christ, seems to be almost jargon... yet, it's quite obvious that it's more ascended than jargon...

  • upside/down

    My mistake I said Gilly worm when it should have been

    GUINEA WORM.... the actual spawn of Satan!


  • MidwichCuckoo

    Mary Magdalene? Isn't she the chap sitting on Jesus' right (our left) in ''The Last Supper''? - yep, the DaVinci Code was a great read!

  • Narkissos

    Popular tradition has merged several NT characters into the Medieval tradition of Mary Magdalene, notably Mary of Bethany (Matthew 26:6ff//; Luke 10:38-41; John 11:1,5) and the "sinner" of Luke 7:36-50 (which is a narrative variant of Matthew 26//), or even the adulteress of the spurious John 8:1ff.

    The Gospel of Mary interestingly echoes the final (additional?) saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas, on overcoming sexual difference:

    Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life." Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."
  • TheListener

    First of all I'm glad Merry is ok.

    Second, I lost my very deep and insightful (or inciteful) comment after looking at upside/down's avatar. Great! Now I have to go confess to the elders.

  • claytoncapeletti

    I spent a good deal of time discussing her in my World Religion class. Most historians and scholars believe that she was not only an apostle, but one of Jesus closest associates. When Paul became more influence, his writings promoted that Mary Mag, was not an apostle but a prostitute whom Jesus felt sorry for and forgave of her sins. Paul was an admitted self-loather, a self mutilator whose teachings put women in a subservient role and was kicked out of the early church twice because they thought he was a Roman spy. This teaching was not promoted by Jesus, who viewed everyone as equals.


    " Brothers dont shake hands, Brothers got to hug"

  • BrendaCloutier

    Clayton (btw Welcome to JWD)

    Thank you for that. It has been my belief for a long time before I got here to JWD (and with no formal education)that Paul took the early christian church as his own, for his own devices.

    It has always amazed me how any woman shown in the bible, OT or NT, to have power, authority, and respect, was immediately shut down by the Christianity of the later first century, and later by Catholicism. It has fed the subjugation and abuse of women for two millenea.

    Judaism actually holds women as honoured gender, capable of creation, and held in high esteem for their traits. Women have a place in jewish rites, and not under a mans foot.

    (soap box put aside now)

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