Has your relationship with Jesus changed?

by Honesty 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IronGland

    Yes it has changed. Similar to the way my relationship with Batman, Green Lantern and Luke Skywalker has changed.

  • JamesThomas

    A moment game when it could be seen that to take what was read, or what others had said, and create within the mind a deity more holy than all else, was to in fact subtract and reduce Divinity everywhere else in the cosmos. Once seen, to continue in this way, seemed insane.

    So, yes, things have changed. No longer is there a seeking for truth in some character of 2000 years ago that may or may not have existed. No longer is there a habit or need to follow in the foot steps of my parents and reduce the Divine to some finite point or object that is worshiped from afar. Rather there is a surrender to That, which has no beginning or end. That which is so grand and vast as to be impossible to intellectually grasp or comprehend.

    When conceptual thought, belief and worship is seen as futile, there is little left to do but melt into that stillness that comes before thought, and live consciously awake in and as the aliveness of this precious present moment.


  • rick_here

    Narkissos posted:

    I for one am convinced that there is such thing as "relationship" with a literary character

    But aren't we at least "kinda" getting to know one another better?


    And getting more to the topic, and if "ex-fundies count" (former fundamentalists, such as yours truly); um, yeah, I like Jesus a whole lot more than I used to. And, well, I really believe he's "t/here" too....


  • LittleToe

    James:You're trying to increase the hits to this thread by the inclusion of boobies, arencha?

    Simply divine!

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    That's a superb picture.

  • JamesThomas


    When we are present with Life, naked of conceptual interpretations, beliefs and gods, it is as if we are dissolved within the flow, and there is peace.

    I looked through many pictures of streams and vistas, then there was this one. Can not imagine one more fitting......and yes, boobies too.


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