WT News Release

by messenger 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • messenger

    How bout those JW's helping their neighbors? Of course a neighbor is only defined as a fellow JW....

    I do not know if I can take much more of this hypocritical masturbation.

    For Immediate Release
    July 25, 2001

    Thousands of volunteers flood Houston

    HOUSTON—After Allison pounded the city of Houston with nearly three feet of rain in a single 24-hour period, approximately 9,000 local Jehovah's Witnesses responded by volunteering time, skilled labor and materials to assist their neighbors. Almost immediately, a relief committee was formed to organize repair work on the 625 homes of Witnesses that were damaged.

    Witness volunteers had to act quickly to prevent toxic mold from growing in the rain-soaked homes. The relief committee arranged to send a crew of volunteers to each of the homes. Plans include first removing damaged Sheetrock and insulation, then cleaning and sanitizing the affected areas, installing new insulation and Sheetrock, applying fresh paint, and replacing cabinets and flooring.

    Not just Jehovah's Witnesses benefited from this volunteer spirit.

    Major highways, flooded with rivers of water, prevented all but two members of the day staff of the Radisson Hotel near Hobby Airport from arriving at work on Saturday morning. Jehovah's Witnesses, in Houston for their annual Bible convention, occupied 140 of the hotel's 288 rooms. They quickly realized that the hotel needed assistance to care for its guests. According to John Rodriquez, the Hotel Duty Manager, the Witnesses ran every department except the front desk, and that was only because they were not familiar with the system. Mr. Rodriguez expressed thanks for an "amazing" performance.

    A post office manager staying at the hotel stopped a Witness who had pitched in and helped with food preparation and said: "I know you don't work here. I just want you to know I appreciate what you are doing. You are feeding my family and taking care of my workers, and I won't forget this."

    There are just under 54,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in the Houston area and just over 6 million worldwide. For more information on the local relief work of Jehovah's Witnesses in Houston, please visit www.jwrelief.org.

    National and International News contact: J. R. Brown, telephone: (718) 560-5600
    Local Houston contact: Jerry Peter, telephone: (281) 356-3030

  • patio34

    Hi Messenger,

    A year or 2 ago, I would have been so proud of the 'brothers' for this. Now, though I wouldn't use your term (ever!), it seems so 'tooting your own horn.' And, self-serving. It's not as though they help anyone but JWs.

    For instance, Habitat for Humanity groups help poor people. Likewise, with every other group.

    JWs only help themselves and possibly anyone who has strong potential for being a convert. Just sales people, only want something in return.


  • sonoita

    Perhaps the Governing Body should have done nothing. Then they would have been attacked for doing nothing. I am sure those volunteers in Texas would rather be at home with their families instead of tearing out smelly sheetrock.

    check out www.jwrelief.org

  • BoozeRunner

    yawwwwnnnnn.....So the JW's in Houston did a good deed after a flood. How about organizations who strive EVERY DAY to help their communities, such as the afore-mentioned Habitat for Humanities? Its the little things in everyday life that makes a true difference as far as I am concerned.

    The RED CROSS has been helping victims of disasters for decades. They likely got a mere line in the middle of a news story after the Houston flood.

    Yep, just a way to toot their own horn, as evidenced by the contact numbers following the article.


  • messenger

    Hey Sonoita,

    I am glad the Governing Body did something, I am just sad they lied about how they did it. The Red Cross helps people in need around the world, You do not have to be a "member" to get help. The Habitat for Humanities builds home for poor people, not just Baptists. For wt to have an official news release and give the impression they are assisting "neighbors" in a flood relief effort is just unmitigated bullshit. To help your religious members is no doubt a good thing, but to imply you are serving the community has to be the ultimate in hypocritical masturbation.

  • Grunt

    You are right that what they did was a good thing and that if they hadn't helped they would have been criticized. Where they err here, in my opinion, is in publishing their good works. It is best to let others praise you. It is also best to keep your good deeds secret so that your reward will come from God. If you do things seeking the praise of men then that is all you will get, or at least that is my understanding of the scriptures dealing with that. Doesn't it say not to let one hand know what the other is doing when it comes to good deeds? Like fasting, if you make a show of it then the show is all you get. Good to see you here and I hope you keep posting.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Messenger,

    thanks for the "Press release".

    I always thought that "...praise should come from
    the mouth of a stranger " and that "...you should not
    blow your trumpet ...gift of mercies .."!

    I do agree with BoozeRunner points:

    "...So the JW's in Houston did a good deed after a flood. How about organizations who strive EVERY DAY to help their communities, such as the afore-mentioned Habitat for Humanities? Its the little things in everyday life that makes a true difference as far as I am concerned.
    The RED CROSS has been helping victims of disasters for decades. They likely got a mere line in the middle of a news story after the Houston flood. "
    Yes, how many REALLY humanitarian and philantropic societies,
    are helping the needy ones...without making too much fuss and
    without giving out "...Press release ",

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • soylibre

    Sort of reminds me of the scribes and pharisees who prayed out in public to show how "holy" they were......really pretty disgusting to blow your own horn that way...pompus....downright arrogant...but what do you expect????? Just pick up a WT or Awake! they're both full of this sort of propaganda.....I wonder how many inactive JW's recieved help???? So sick....hypocritical masturbation....I like this term....it certainly fits...

  • nelly136

    I was reading the news releses frame and it gave a slightly different picture under the weekly news update,

    In an outpouring of brotherly love, Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout Texas

    and Louisiana are offering assistance in practical ways. Over 9,000 have volunteered to help rebuild flood-damaged homes homes belonging to Jehovah’s Witnesses and eight Kingdom Halls were severely damaged.
    Many have also offered to help feed volunteer construction workers or donate to the relief effort in other ways.

    As news of the disaster spread, families rushed to ensure the safety of their fellow brothers and sisters.

    Neighbors watched in utter amazement as teams of Witnesses began tearing out, disinfecting and cleaning up the homes of fellow Christians. Truly, Jehovah’s Witnesses take to heart the Bible’s counsel to “work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith.” (Galatians 6:10)

  • sonoita


    Are you comparing apples and oranges?

    The Red Cross does a great job, but their main focus is disaster
    relief, not religion.
    Its the same with those who provide for those in need on a daily basis, I applaud them, but that is their particular focus that they
    specialize in.

    Mormons help their own, why can't Jdubs? :-)
    As far as helping the community as a whole, I suppose that's true.
    The repairs on the 625 homes will not be a burden on the community.

    more later

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